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Tosaf new anti-fog masterbatch

Tosaf new anti-fog masterbatch

News 05.03.2018

Tosaf announces the launch of AF7380PE, a newly-developed anti-fog.

When packaged goods are stored in a refrigerator, water droplets tend to appear on the surface of the packaging film, obscuring the contents from view and seriously degrading overall product quality.

To avoid this unwanted result, the surface properties of the film must be altered. The most common way of doing this is through the use of migrating additives.

In over 30 years of its working, Tosaf has developed an innovative range of anti-fog masterbatches that help reduce the harmful effects of water drops on packaging film. A wide range of solutions have been developed to suit different applications, for example refrigerated and hot meals packaging, greenhouse films and industrial packaging. Anti-fog additives for plain polyethylene (PE) films are well known and widely used. However, as film structure becomes more complex and film producers require the same anti-fog masterbatch for a variety of production processes, demand has grown for new solutions and more sophisticated formulations.

Tosaf  presents now its novel 3rd generation anti-fog masterbatch for polyethylene films, AF7380PE.  According to Tosaf's Film Additives R&D Manager, Dr. Evgeni Zelikman, the unique benefits of AF7380PE lie in its combination of excellent anti-fog activity and superb optical properties.

AF7380PE is suitable for a wide range of production processes, from laminated polyethylene films, multi-layer co-ex barrier films produced by blown and cast extrusion, and oriented films produced by double- and triple-bubble production technology.

About the company

For over three decades, Tosaf has been developing and manufacturing high quality additives, compounds and color masterbatches for the plastics industry. Tosaf has over 1000 employees in more than 50 countries. Around the globe, the company has 11 manufacturing facilities with over 120 different production lines.


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