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HF MIXING GROUP increasing its potential for US customers

HF MIXING GROUP increasing its potential for US customers

News 23.10.2017

HF MIXING GROUP has recently made a disclosure on its new acquisition details. Mesabi Control Engineering, Ltd. from Minnesota will join the Group to strengthen its position on the US market. Mesabi top managers John Beaudoin and Nora Hahn will retain their positions.

Mesabi's acknowledged local leadership in automation of batch mixing lines will help HF to establish an effective presence on American ground.

From now on Mesabi will provide support and customization for HF solutions and in the first place ADVISE® automation system to the US clients in return for access to HF MIXING GROUP's impressive R&D infrastructure.

With an increasing demand from the customers for localization of automation solutions with respect to local requirements, a global company will often face an alternative: to establish an overseas detachment or to acquire an existing local company.
HF MIXING GROUP is also reorganizing its sales structure along with the changes in the Management board, probably on the back of the last acquisition. Ian Wilson has recently been appointed as the new Vice President of Sales & Marketing with a mission to harmonize Group's sales and marketing activities.


HF MIXING GROUP emerged in 2010 as an alliance of Harburg-Freudenberger, Farrel and Pomini Rubber & Plastics. Its main business activities are focused on mixers and mixing room equipment with facilities located in Germany, Great Britain, the USA, Italy and Slovakia. The Group is a part of Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH, subsidiary of L. Possehl & Co. MbH.

About Mesabi Control Engineering, Ltd.

Mesabi Control Engineering, Ltd. Saint Paul, MN, USA emerged as a mechanical engineering company (Mesabi Engineering) in 1957. The company changed its profile as well as its name in when it turned to control systems engineering in 1980.


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