Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2020
11 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2020 ELEKTROWÄRMETECHNIK FRANZ MESSER GMBH ER GE Elektrowärmetechnik - Franz Messer GmbH 9 1220 Schnaittach - Hersbrucker Straße 29-31 Tel. +49/9153/921-0 Fax +49/9153/921-117 www.erge-elektrowaermetechnik.de mail: verkauf@erge-elektrowaermetechnik.de HEIZEN TROCKNEN REGELN CONTROLLING HEATING DRYING ➠ Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik www.reifenhauser.com 盟的承诺:“除了我们在生产线设备技 术方面的专业知识以外,我们打算利用 我们的能力为创新的配方和工艺寻找解 决方案。我们与联盟的其它成员一起, 可以在我们的现代技术中心研究可回收 的包装解决方案。” Active supporter of the Circular Plastics Alliance n Reifenhäuser becomes a member of the European Union Circular Plastics Alli- ance (CPA). On March 10, 2020, Ulrich Reifenhäuser signed a declaration that commits over 175 companies and asso- ciations to reuse 10 million metric tons of recycled plastics in new products by the year 2025. It also takes Reifenhäu- ser’s systematic strategy of sustainability a step further. “Plastics are part and par- cel of recycling,” says Ulrich Reifenhäu- ser, explaining the company’s step in supporting the CPA. “Our industry is called upon to incorporate plastics into the Circular Economy. We bear co-res- ponsibility to establish collection sys- tems, recycle plastic waste, and minimize production waste.” Reifenhäuser already offers solutions for a functioning Circular Economy to ensure that outstanding products with excellent properties are re- cyclable. Sustainability in the Reifenhäuser Group is incorporated in every product from the start and is an integral part of corporate strategy. The company has many years of experience and a large network of ex- perts and partners, especially in the field of research and development for recy- clable films and films containing recycla- te material. Tim Pohl, Director Sustaina- bility, summarizes the company’s com- mitment to the Circular Plastics Alliance: “Besides our know-how in the field of line technology, we intend to utilize our competence to find solutions for innova- tive recipes and processes. Together with other members of the Alliance, we can research for recyclable packaging solu- tions at our modern Technology Center.” 应用于高质量挤出的电晕 技术 n 泰国领先的软包装供应商之一 Prepack,在两条挤出生产线上使用了 Vetaphone电晕技术,这两条生产线位 于首都曼谷西南约100公里的安帕瓦 沙 穆松克兰。 这家公司以其具有国际标准 的高质量而闻名,以其全系列产品独家 供货而列入A类客户清单。 除了挤出设 备以外,Prepack还具备凹版和柔性版 印刷的能力,以及溶剂型覆合和成型的 加工能力。 Prepac法国公司成立于1973年, 其早期业务是在皇家资助下为 Nongpho Ratchaburi乳品公司生产巴氏灭菌牛奶 包装。其它早期产品还包括 Prathum碾 米磨坊的5公斤米袋。今天,公司的产 品范围已扩大到食品、个人护理以及卫 生、零食、化工和工业领域,以及多种 其它消费领域。 设立这样高的产品质量标准并非没 有问题,作为在工厂工作了20年的生产 经理, Veraphan Thiampu解释道:“我 们位置靠近大海 ,空气中总是含有高的 盐份,这样湿度水平也增加了, 我们在 泰国南方所得到的体验形成了严苛的腐
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