Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2020

➠ Lomon Billions Group www.lomonbillions.global The ceremony was attended by Ruiqing Tan, Vice Chairman of Lomon Billions Group, Ge Yao, Assistant to the Chair- man, Ran Xu, Assistant to the CEO, Zhaoxia Yan, General Manager of Lomon Billions Trading Company and Yurong Zhang, Director of Lomon Billions’ Re- search Institute in Jiaozuo. At the ceremony Mr. Tan said: “Since the merger between Lomon and Billions, the business has developed rapidly. Last year we acquired Xinli Titanium Industry and our current titanium dioxide pigment production capacity now exceeds 1 mil- lion tonnes making us one of the world’s top 3 titanium dioxide pigment manu- facturers and No.1 in Asia. We are a global company. Our products are sold to many countries and regions around the world. The proportion of our TiO 2 pigment sales that is exported has continuously exceeded 50% for many years. It is currently around 75 to 80%. Within the next 3 to 5 years our annual TiO 2 sales target will exceed more than 1 million tonnes. With the rapid development of the com- pany our sales and technology teams will grow considerably. Our production sites are located in Jiaozuo, Deyang, Xiangy- ang, Chuxiong and Panzhihua. Our new office in Shanghai, China’s international metropolis, centralizes our sales and technical services teams. The global market demands a first-class global customer service. Our Shanghai location will attract commercial and n 隆重举行的龙蟒佰利联集团新销售 和 技 术 服 务 办 公 室 在 上 海 正 式 开 幕,CEO助理和销售执行副总经理屈海 明先生主持了剪彩仪式。 新办公室位于上海中部黄浦江东岸 的中信广场,距上海浦东国际机场仅43 公里45分钟车程。 龙蟒佰利联集团公司副董事长谭瑞 清先生、集团公司董事长助理姚革先 生、集团总裁助理许冉女士、龙佰贸易 公司总经理燕朝霞女士及焦作研究所所 长张玉荣先生均出席了典礼。 谭总在仪式上说:“自龙蟒和佰利 联合并以来,业务迅速发展。去年,我 们收购了新立钛业,目前我们钛白粉产 能已超过100万吨,使我们成为全球三 大钛白粉制造商之一,并且在亚洲排名 第一。 我们是一家全球化公司。我们的产 品销往世界许多国家和地区。多年来, 我们出口的钛白粉的销售比例连续超过 50%。目前约为75-80%。在未来3-5年 内,我们钛白粉的年度销售目标将超过 100万吨。 随着公司的快速发展,我们的销售 和技术团队将大大增加。我们的生产基 地位于焦作,德阳,襄阳,楚雄和攀枝 花,而我们在中国国际大都市上海的新 办事处集中了我们的销售和技术服务团 队。 全球市场需要一流的全球客户服 务。我们在上海的办事处将吸引商业和技 术人才,以帮助我们实现销售和研发的不 断进步,并支持公司持续健康可持续发 展,并进一步增强集团的国际竞争力。 我们将继续在未来进行投资以提高 生产能力并加强我们的综合供应链。” New Sales and Technical Services Office in Shanghai n The official opening of Lomon Billions’ new sales and technical services office in Shanghai was held at the beginning of May, marked by a ribbon-cutting cere- mony hosted by Haiming Qu, Assistant to the CEO and Executive Deputy Gene- ral Manager of Sales. The new office is located at CITIC Plaza in central Shanghai on the East bank of the Huangpu river, just 43 kilometers and 45 minutes’ drive from Shanghai Pu- dong International Airport. 上海新的销售和技术服务办公室 technical talent to help us achieve con- tinuous improvement in sales and R&D, support the company’s continued heal- thy and sustainable development, and further enhance the Group’s internatio- nal competitiveness. We continue to invest in the future to grow our production capacity and to strengthen our integrated supply chain.” 剪彩仪式在上海开设新的销售和技术服务办公室 Ribbon-cutting ceremony to open new sales and technical services office in Shanghai n 10月23日,普发(Pfeiffer )真空 公司在中国无锡举行了盛大的开业仪 式,庆祝工厂的扩建。扩建后的新工厂 比原规模翻了一倍,这是普发真空在中 国发展的一个重要里程碑,这使公司在 支持本地涂料和半导体市场战略增长的 同时,能够更好地满足当地客户的需 求。 董事会管理层代表 Hugh Kelly说 道:“这是我们新增长战略的一部分, 这个战略包括1.5亿欧元的全球投资计 划。除了提供售后服务以外,现在也能 生产干式泵等更大的设备和我们新的泄 漏探测系统ATC,以及组装泵站。随着 行业领先的技术和设备的引进,普发真 空技术可以更好地对当地的客户需求作 出响应。” 在中国无锡的新工厂开业 24 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2020