Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2021

一个例子是已获得专利的设备方案,可在不去除材料的 情况下切割PVC管并倒角。 经过多年的研究,Sica现在正在 推广一种锯,该锯可对一段管道加热,用分型刀将其切断, 然后通过将已加热部分塑形来形成斜面,而不是使用去除材 料的倒角工具,因为倒角工具的切削方式会产生粉尘和 /或碎 屑。 这是一项重大的创新,可实现无噪音切割,并不需要回 收切屑材料、保持锯周围以及下游设备环境的清洁等昂贵装 置。 实际上,对于传统的锯,即使有出色的粉尘和碎屑吸尘 系统,也无法完全避免碎屑沉积在锯机构或被切割的管材 上。 这样一来,管道在向扩口机或生产线末端移动的过程中 不可避免会携带一部分残余料。 无尘切割管材领域中的另一个有价值的创新是正在申请 专利的电锯,这种电锯可用于切割HDPE,PP-R,多层管和 PVDF管。 每个切割运动都是电动的,因此实现了静音、精 确且可重复性极高。 特别是对于切割臂的移动,该机器配备 了创新的极其紧凑的伺服执行器,该伺服执行器包含了一体 化的电机和齿轮箱,即使在高速、有冲击的工况下运行,也 能确保在完全没有振动的情况下拥有出色的推力和高效率–所 有这些都保证了切割工序出色的生产质量。 从三层管道 (PPR-FG-PPR)的切割图片可以清楚 地看出这一点; 传统切割工艺采用经 典的液压系统,而新切割工艺具有由 Sica开发的特殊电动切割功能,现在可 通过这种创新的锯来实现。 如果要为子孙后代的福祉而保护地球, 那么我们所有人都应该努力避免环境污 染,同时要降低成本。 O ne example is the patented solution to cut and chamfer PVC pipes with- out removing material. After years of research, Sica is now pro- moting a saw that warms up a portion of the pipe, cut it with a parting knife and then creates a bevel by shaping the heated portion instead of using a chamfer tool that removes material, which creates dust and/or chips. It’s a big innovation that allows a noiseless cut and avoids the expensive need for recycling ma- terial, cleaning the environment around the saw, and also downstream. In fact, with traditional saws, even when there is an excellent vacuuming system for dust and chips, it cannot completely avoid chips depositing on the saw mechanism or on the cut pipe. Therefore, pipes will always carry part of the scrap material with them on their way towards the belling machine or the end of the line. Another interesting innovation in the field of cutting swarfless pipes is the patent pending electric saw for HDPE, PP-R, multi- layer and PVDF pipes. Each cutting movement is electric, there- fore silent, precise and extremely repetitive. In particular, for the movement of the cutting arm, the machine has been equipped with an innovative extremely compact servo-actuator which in- tegrates the motor and gear unit, and which guarantees supe- rior thrust force even at high speeds, impact resistance, com- plete absence of vibrations and high efficiency – all translate in- to superior final quality of the cutting process. This is clear from the pictures of the cut of a 3-layer pipe (PPR-FG-PPR); the old cut is made with a classic hydraulic system, while the new one with a specific electric cutting action developed by Sica and now possible with this innovative saw. Avoiding environment pollution and reducing costs, is what we should all pursue to give our world a hand if it is to be preserv- ed for the well-being of future generations. 新 / New 老 / Old ➠ SICA S.p.A. www.sica-italy.com 26 管材挤出 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2021