Extrusion Asia Edition 1-2023

➠ Busch Dienste GmbH, Busch Vacuum Solutions www.buschvacuum.com “We have a close relationship with China. This investment in Caidian District is another fruitful outcome of our coopera- tion with China,” said Kaya Busch, Co- Owner, and Co-CEO of Busch Vacuum Solutions, in his speech before the signing ceremony. Busch has over 40 years of history with China. In 1981, Busch was the first Ger- man industrial company to sign a coope- ration agreement to manufacture in China after the reopening of the country. In 2001, an independent subsidiary was established in Shanghai. Today it is one of the largest and most successful Busch sales and service companies worldwide. In his speech, Sami Busch, Co-Owner, and Co-CEO of Busch Vacuum Solutions, stated: “Caidian District has a clear loca- tion, excellent facilities, and many profes- sionals. We believe this investment in Caidian District will be a milestone in our Group’s history, and we look forward to the opening of our new plant.” Wuhan is centrally located in China at the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Han River. The city is the industrial hub of central China and has manufacturing operations in many industries, including iron production and automotive. Wuhan also has China’s largest inland water port, the region’s largest airport, one of the country’s most prestigious universities, n Sami Busch 和 Kaya Busch 一同参 观了 Busch 普旭即将兴建的全球第八家 制造工厂所在地块,粲然绽放的烟花也 是 Busch 普旭迈向成功的重要标志。目 前,项目投资协议已经正式签订。 Busch 普旭在中国已有 40 多年的 发展历史。1981 年,在中国改革开放 后,Busch 普旭成为第一批在中国开展 经 营 活 动 的 德 国 企 业 之 一 。 2001 ,Busch 普旭在上海成立了全资子 公司。如今,它已成为 Busch 普旭最 大、最成功的销售和服务公司之一。 “蔡甸区区位优势明显,配套设施 完善,专业人才众多。相信此次在蔡甸 区的投资,将是我们集团发展历史上一 个具有里程碑意义的举动,我们迫切期 待着蔡甸新工厂的建成投用。”Busch 普 旭集团所有人及联合首席执行官 Sami Busch。 武汉位于中国腹地中心,长江、汉 水在此交汇。这座城市是中国中部的工 业中心,拥有众多制造业产业链,包括 钢铁生产和汽车制造等。武汉还拥有中 国最大的内河港口、该地区最大的机 场、全国最负盛名的大学之一,并且位 于连通上海和香港、世界上最快的铁路 之一上,交通非常便捷。 Busch 普旭与武汉也有着深厚的缘 分。在 2020 年初新冠肺炎疫情爆发 后,Busch 普旭立即交付了十二台急需 的 MINK 干式爪式真空泵,以支援武汉 火神山医院的建设。因此,Sami Busch 和 Kaya Busch 在访问武汉的时候也参 观了这家医院,并在那里见到了支援的 MINK 真空泵。 Busch 普旭新工厂计划将于 2025 年 开始投入生产。目前,该公司也已经在蔡 甸区一个临时的厂房内进行生产, 并已 聘用了 15 名员工。Busch 普旭的目标是 持续培养人才,因为公司重视长期的雇佣 关系, 中国的这座新工厂预计将在未来 雇用约 400 名员工。 此次投资协议的签 订也被中国的多家媒体争相报道, 包括 电视台在内的 14 家中国媒体的代表出席 了签约活动,并对 Sami Busch 和 Kaya Busch 进行了采访和报道。 New Production Plant in China n Fireworks, as a sign of good success, greeted Sami and Kaya Busch as they toured the site where Busch Vacuum So- lutions’ eighth production facility world- wide will be built. Now the investment contract has been signed. 中国的新生产厂 and is conveniently located on one of the world’s fastest rail links connecting Shanghai to Hong Kong. The Busch family also has a deep connec- tion to Wuhan. Directly after the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic in early 2020, Busch delivered twelve urgently needed MINK claw vacuum pumps to support the construction of the hastily built Huos- henshan Emergency Hospital. Therefore, Kaya and Sami Busch visited the hospital and could see the MINK vacuum pumps in location. Busch is expected to start production in the new plant in 2025. However, the company is already producing at a rented site in Caidian. So far, 15 employees have been hired. Busch’s goal is to build talent successively because the company at- taches importance to long-term employ- ment relationships. The Chinese produc- tion facility is expected to employ 400 people in the future. The signing of the investment agreement received a great deal of media coverage in China. Representatives from a total of 14 Chinese media, including TV stations, were present at the event to report and conduct interviews with Sami and Kaya Busch. Busch 普旭集团所有人及联合首席执行官 Kaya Busch、蔡甸区区长余从斌和 Busch 普 旭集团所有人及联合首席执行官 Sami Busch; 后排从左数起第二位:德国海外商会联 盟(AHK)大中华区副总裁 Jonathan Schoo)(来源:Busch 普旭中国 ) After the signing (front from left to right): Kaya Busch, Co-Owner and Co-CEO of Busch Vacuum Solutions, Yu Congbin, Mayor of Caidian District, Sami Busch, Co-Owner, and Co-CEO of Busch Vacuum Solutions. (Back row between Kaya Busch and Yu Congbin): Jonathan Schoo, Vice President - AHK Greater China (Chamber of Commerce Abroad, Representation of German Business in China) (Source: Busch China) 24 信息縱覽 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2023