Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2018

11 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2018 Uniquely efficient. Incredibly versatile. Amazingly flexible. COMPEO combines the performance and robustness of its predecessors in a single modular series. Designed for all application fields and temperature ranges. With a process window that is unparalleled. Want to know more about the COMPEO compounder‘s forward-looking features? Welcome to Mumbai! Brand-new in Mumbai! Join us Wire India, Mumbai November 27 - 29, 2018 Hall 01 Booth E71 COMPEO The new BUSS compounder generation. Incredibly different. www.busscorp.com 理。因此,成功的关键在于要保 证薄膜最高质量。 为分切电池隔膜,格贝尔艾 玛斯开发了终极分切复卷机因特 型电池隔膜分切机。该机型非常 先进,专门设计用于分切超敏感 材料例如电池隔膜,尤其是湿法 BOPE 电池隔膜。为确保最佳效 果,这款创新的分切机配置了几 个最先进的特性及选项。非常紧 凑的站式复卷机理念及从解卷至 复卷非常短的路径,使薄膜不会 跑偏并保证了最低的张力范围。 由于它具有适合人体学的设计, 整机的各功能单元都易接触,因 此保证在卸卷和设定过程中的最 高生产率。 当谈到质量问题时,格贝尔 艾玛斯遵循一种不妥协的政策。 为确保最佳效果,研发工程师致 力于达到最大精度和最高效率。 因此,最高端的配置如所有辊筒 为碳纤维并单独驱动,以及完全 精确及敏感膜张力控制系统都集 成在了因特型隔膜分切机中,以 确保可以正确地分切如此高价值 且易损的材料,如 BOPE电池隔 膜。为得到理想的成品卷质量, 压力可单独调整,并可使用间隙 收卷和敏感的接触收卷。所有的 成品卷都小心地收卷到独立的收 卷站,站位都是全自动定位,并 全部排布在分切复卷机的一侧。 这些站可全自动打开将成品卷放 置在一对托架上,操作工或自动 卸卷系统可将成品卷从托架上卸 载。因此,可确保简单快速地卸 卷并对成品卷进行检验。 为达到最大的效率,因特型 电池隔膜分切机是特别为每一个 客户量身定制的。它适用于最大 薄膜 6,000毫米,放卷和复卷直 径及速度可根据客户的需求调 整。最精确同时也可减少粉尘的 顶级解决方案是单独驱动的剪切 上刀,它和碳纤维体的底刀轴接 触在一起进行分切。或者,也可 以使用传统的剃刀支架。另外, 切刀除尘系统和解卷单元下游的 双面薄膜清洁装置也可提供。 Handling Sensitive Material with Ease n The markets for renewable energy and high-performance Li- ion batteries are consistently growing. Therefore, the demand for bi-axi- ally oriented specialty film rapidly increases. Battery separator films play an important role in Li-ion battery technology. During the charging and discharging cycles, the ions move from cathode to anode and back. Thereby they pass the microporous separa- tor film which physically separates and elec- trically isolates cathode from anode. To en- sure that the film surface won’t get da- maged a sensitive processing is required. Thus, the highest quality is the key to suc- cess. For converting battery separator films, GOEBEL IMS developed the ultimate slitter rewinder INTERSLIT BSF. The cutting-edge machine is specifically designed to process hyper sensitive materials such as battery