Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2018

15 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2018 ➠ Kumho Polychem Co., Ltd. www.kumhopolychem.co.kr ➠ Conventus Polymers LLC www.conventuspolymers.com 比的方式参与竞争,进入热塑弹性体领 域。在塑料行业,这是增长最快的领域 之一。” Jorgensen 指出: Kumho Poly- chem 是公认的高质量产品供应商,在 Conventus Polymer的物料产品组合中 有着独特的地位。他说: “通过与 Kumho Polychem达成协议,我们与全 球产业领袖业务保持一致的战略得到了 进一步的增强。Conventus将提供所有 技术市场、账户管理、应用开发和客户 服务方面的支持。 Kumho Polychem 的 Innoprene TPV 产品线包括43个等级,针对密封、 垫圈、罩盖和汽车行业用的导管、工 业、电气、体育器材、家具等行业的市 场。硬度等级范围从邵氏A 45至93直到 邵氏D 40 。这些物料将使Conventus Polymer的包括来自于韩国汉城 LG Chem的共聚聚酯TPE产品线更为完 整。Innoprene TPV产品的直接竞争对 手是埃克森美孚化学的SantopreneTM TPV和特诺尔爱佩斯的Sarlink® TPV 。 今年TPU供应紧张,交货期延长。 在此情况下,Jorgensen 注意到Kumho Polychem 的TPVs 在某些用途中可能是 合适的替代品选择。TPV产品线满足汽 车行业的技术要求,被一些行业名列首 位的供应商和原始设备制造商使用。 Kumho Polychem 在韩国丽水市的 工厂的产品生产能力为12,000公吨, 研究和发展设施在韩国大田市。 Cooperations n Conventus Polymers LLC, a leading distributor of high-performance engi- neering thermoplastics, has reached an agreement to become an exclusive distri- butor for Kumho Polychem, a leading supplier of thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) based in Seoul, South Korea. Con- ventus will sell Kumho Polychem’s line of Innoprene TPVs in North America, effec- tive August 20, 2018. “We welcome this new distribution ar- rangement, which expands portfolio op- tions for our customers,” said John Jorgensen, President of Conventus Poly- mers. “This new offering will enable us to cost effectively compete in the TPE space which is one of the fastest-grow- ing segments in the plastics industry.” Jorgensen said Kumho Polychem is a re- cognized supplier with high-quality pro- ducts that are uniquely positioned in Conventus Polymers’ portfolio of materi- als. “Our strategy to align our business with global industry leaders is further so- lidified by this agreement with Kumho Polychem,” said Jorgensen. Conventus will provide all technical marketing, ac- count management, application deve- lopment, and customer service support. Kumho Polychem’s Innoprene TPV line includes 43 grades which are targeted for seal, gasket, cover, and hose applica- tions for the automotive, industrial, elec- trical, sporting goods, and furniture mar- kets. The grades range in hardness from 45 to 93 Shore A and up to 40 Shore D. These materials will complement Con- ventus Polymers’ line of TPEs which in- cludes copolyester grades from LG Chem, Seoul, South Korea. Innoprene TPVs compete directly with ExxonMobil Chemical’s SantopreneTM TPV and Teknor Apex’s Sarlink ® TPV. Amidst tight supply and extended lead times for TPUs this year, Jorgensen noted that Kumho Polychem’s TPVs may be suitable as a replacement option in some applications. The TPV line meets auto- motive specifications and is used by some of the industry’s leading Tier 1 sup- pliers and OEMs. Kumho Polychem operates a 12,000-me- tric-ton production plant in Yeosu, South Korea, and a research and development facility in Daejeon. 48$/,7< 352'8&76 6,1&( ( 5*( (OHNWURZlUPHWHFKQLN ) UDQ] 0HVVHU *PE+ 6FKQDLWWDFK ‡ +HUVEUXFNHU 6WUD‰H 7 HO ‡ )D[ Z ZZ HUJH HOHNWURZDHUPHWHFKQLN GH (/(.752:b50(7(&+1,. )5$1= 0(66(5 (5*( 0()/(; &HUDPLF +HDWHUV PRUH KHDWLQJ VXUIDFH EHWWHU KHDW FRQGXFWDQFH 7RJHWKHU ZLWK WKH HQHUJ\ RSWLPL]HG (5*( :'* +HDW ,QVXODWLRQ -DFNHW WKH XOWLPDWH HQHUJ\ VDYLQJ VROXWLRQ 1(: ‡ %(77(5 ‡ )25 :,11(56 21/< -LD;LQJ (5*( (OHFWULF +HDW 7HFKQRORJ\ &R /WG (DVW VLGH RI EOGJ ZX\XDQ UG +DL < DQ =KHMLDQJ &KLQD 3 RVWFRGH 3KRQH Visit us at