Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2021

的高效和快速的投资回报。Nosoplas公 司使用PET瓶片生产瓶级颗粒(切片)。 这些颗粒(切片)供应给其他公司,在那 里,他们被注射成型成预成型制品,然 后吹成高质量的饮料瓶。 由于反冲洗的问题和过量的聚合物 损失,Nosoplas决定更换现有的传统过 滤系统。他们用Gneuss RSFgenius 175取代了这一传统系统,其吞吐量为 1.500 kg/h,过滤细度为56µm。事实 上,客户甚至可以为特殊产品使用 30µm的操作。而且,这一切都具有恒 定的、稳定的熔体压力,最小的损失由 于反冲洗和没有任何生产变化,甚至在 更换过滤网片期间。 PET Bottle to Bottle Recycling n The Gneuss Rotary Filtration Technolo- gy ensures an uninterrupted production process under constant conditions – even when post-consumer recycled ma- 23 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2021 ➠ Coperion GmbH www.coperion.com with an automatic screen pack changer to a strand or underwater pelletizer for pellet production. Pellets are then condensed in an SSP re- actor. The pellets’ quality meets the re- quirements of virgin material. With this direct processing of PET into bottles, recyclers profit particularly from the very high end product quality. Prod- uct handling in the bottle-to-bottle pro- cess is very gentle. The residence time in the ZSK extruder is very short and disper- 科倍隆 ZSK 双螺杆挤出机具备非常出色 的挥发成分脱除能力,在加工段的停留时 间短,且分散性非常高,从而显著提高了 最终产品的质量(照片:科倍隆) Coperion ZSK twin screw extruders provide very good devolatilization with short residence times in the process section as well as very high dispersion, contributing significantly to high end product quality (Photo: Coperion, Stuttgart) sion is very good. The ZSK extruders’ high torque enables processing at low temperatures and with almost no viscosi- ty loss. ZSK extruders’ self-cleaning en- ables rapid recipe and color changes. Thanks to the ZSK twin screw extruder’s very good devolatilization options, vola- tile components such as monomers, oli- gomers, and water are reliably removed and channeled away from the exhaust flow in suitable separators before dis- charging the process section. n 独特的Gneuss旋转过滤技术确保 了在恒定条件下不间断的生产过程-即 使是消费后回收材料的处理。Gneuss 熔体过滤系统特别适用于现有挤出生产 线的改造。 PET瓶片的加工对熔体过滤系统提 出了特殊的挑战。一方面,消费后的原 料来源通常具有相对较高的污染水平, 另一方面,质量要求(精滤)非常高— —尤其是当材料要放回透明瓶中饮用 时。 为了不需要手动不断更换过滤网片 ,理想的熔体过滤系统应进行自清洗。 通常,使用反冲洗原理。一部分熔体流 动被分流,使其反向流过未使用的过滤 网片,以清洗污染网片。在市场上不同 的过滤系统中,反冲洗的清洗效率和反 冲洗所需材料的数量有很大的差异。 通过格诺斯RSFgenius熔体过滤系 统,高压顺序清洗系统确保过滤器网片 被完全清洁,聚合物损失量绝对最小。 西班牙的Nosoplas公司决定使用 RSFgenius旋转过滤系统,因为它提供 PET瓶对瓶回收 terial is processed. Gneuss Melt Filtration Systems are especially well suited for re- trofitting to existing extrusion lines. The processing of PET Bottle Flakes pre- sents particular challenges for Melt Fil- tration Systems. On the one hand, the post-consumer material source typically has a relatively high contamination level, on the other hand, the quality require- ments (fine filtration) are very high – especially when the material is to be put back into transparent bottles for bever- ages. In order that the filter elements do not need to be constantly changed by hand,