Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2023

23 Extrusion Asia Edition 1/2023 ➠ MAAG Group www.maag.com key role in further development of MAAG China. With Paul we found the perfect match for our American business.” Paul Merich commented: “I am grateful for the opportunity and excited to embark on this journey with the MAAG America team.” Aaron Kong , GM MAAG China, now succeeds Paul Merich. “We are happy to have Aaron accepting this position,” says Ueli Thuerig. “He started at MAAG Group one year ago as Sales Director and brings a wealth of experience with him having worked previously at renowned market leaders in the plastics machinery industry.” The MAAG Group is further expanding its presence in China creating the prerequi- sites for continued growth in the People's Republic. Particular focus is being placed on creating incremental production capa- city and on the introduction of new prod- ucts specifically for the Chinese market. The internationally operating MAAG Group, headquartered in Oberglatt, Swit- zerland, has been stepping up its locali- zation strategy in China since 2022 and currently has 103 employees. One recent example: The assembly shop at the site in Jiading, a district of Shanghai, has re- cently doubled in size. n MAAG集团宣布任命前MAAG亚太 区副总裁Paul Merich为马格美洲区副总 裁/总经理。马格集团总裁Ueli Thuerig 表示:“Paul在马格中国的进一步发展中 发挥了关键作用。有了Paul,我们就找 到了与美国业务完美匹配的人。”Paul Merich评论道:“我很感激能有这个机 会,也很兴奋能和马格美国团队一起踏 上这段历程。” 马格中国总经理Aaron Kong将接替 Paul Merich。“我们很高兴Aaron能接受 这个职位,”Ueli Thuerig说。“他一年前 开始在马格集团担任销售总监,并带来 了丰富的经验,他之前曾在塑料机械行 业的知名市场领先企业工作过。” 马格集团正在进一步扩大其在中国 的业务,为在中国的持续增长创造先决 条件。目前的重点是增加生产能力,并 专门为中国市场推出新产品。 总部位于瑞士奥贝格莱特的马格集 团自2022年以来一直在加强其在中国的 本地化战略,目前已拥有103名员工。 最近的一个例子是:位于上海嘉定区的装 配厂最近规模扩大了一倍。 Leadership Change in America and China Announced n MAAG Group announced the appoint- ment of Paul Merich , former Vice Presi- dent MAAG APAC, as incoming VP/GM for MAAG Americas. Ueli Thuerig, Presi- dent of MAAG Group: “Paul has played a 马格集团宣布其美国和中国的领导层换届 Paul Merich, 马格美洲副总裁/总经理 Paul Merich, VP/GM for MAAG Americas Aaron Kong,马格中国的总经理 Aaron Kong, GM for MAAG China ➠ Starlinger & Co Ges.m.b.H. www.starlinger.com 一代正在接班。他将迎接目前的挑战, 并带来新的想法。” “近年来,Starlinger 着力推广的一 个关键主题是可持续塑料包装和相关的 循环经济解决方案。行百里者半九 十”,Harald Neumüller谈到了他的其中 一个目标。“在许多领域,塑料即是最好 的解决方案。遗憾的是,妥善操作处置 目前仍进展缓慢。我们将在塑料回收方 面的长期经验深度融入到包装解决方案 的开发中,以使其可持续且易于回收。 我们的客户深知,他们不仅仅是从 Starlinger 购买机器,同时也是投资欧洲 技术、概念和整体解决方案,以实现未 来资源节约型生产。” Change in the Management n After almost 40 years with the com- pany, 19 of them as chief sales officer for the company’s three divisions, Hermann Adrigan took his retirement on March 31, 2023. He is succeeded, on April 1, 2023, by Harald Neumüller, who has been working in the Starlinger sales depart- ment since 2013. "We would like to thank Hermann Adri- gan for his services to our company. He played a key role in the success of our business in the last two decades," says Starlinger owner and Managing Partner Angelika Huemer, expressing her appre- ciation for him. “With Harald Neumüller, the next generation takes over now. He will take on the current challenges and bring in new ideas.” “A key topic that Starlinger has taken up and promoted in the last years is sustain- able plastic packaging and the correspon- ding recycling solutions for a functioning circular economy. I would like to push this even further," said Harald Neumüller, spe- cifying one of his goals. “In many areas, plastics are simply the best solution. Un- fortunately, what is only slowly gaining momentum is the responsible usage of plastics. We incorporate our long-stand- ing experience in plastics recycling into the development of our packaging solu- tions to make them sustainable and easy to recycle. Our customers know that they are not just buying a Starlinger machine – they are investing in European techno- logy, concepts and overall solutions for re- source-saving production in the future.”