Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2023

➠ Guill Tool & Engineering Co., Inc. 10 Pike Street, West Warwick, RI 02893, USA Tom Baldock, Sales Manager Extrusion , 挤压销售经理 www.Guill.com What differentiates Guill’s Spiderless Pipe Die design over a bas- ket die is Guill’s focus on precision tooling, developed from de- cades of experience in medical tubing, flow analysis and Guill’s ISO 9001 and AS9100 (Aerospace) quality systems. The signifi- cance of Guill’s Spiderless Pipe Die becomes clear when one con- siders material savings. In general, the cost of the polymer raw material can range from 50% to 70% of the total cost of producing polymer pipes. The cost of other materials such as additives, fillers and reinforce- ments, as well as the cost of energy, labor, equipment and over- head also contribute to the total production cost. In some cases, the cost of energy, particularly electricity and na- tural gas, can be a significant part of the total cost of production, especially for large-scale production facilities. In other cases, labor costs in regions with high labor costs, can significantly im- pact the cost of production. Also a factor is that the cost of the raw polymer can be affected by market fluctuations in the price of oil, impacting the cost of petrochemicals used in the produc- tion of polymers. Additionally, the cost can also be influenced by supply and demand factors and global trade dynamics. Guill’s Spiderless Pipe Die is now available to meet the needs of its customers, as they consider all these factors required to be competitive in the production of pipes from 2” to 15” OD. This product was entirely conceived, designed, engineered, manu- factured and CFD tested at the Guill factory in West Warwick, Rhode Island. 27 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2023 有上述因素考虑在内,Guill 的无径向臂管模仍能满足他们的 需求,帮助他们保持竞争力。 该产品的构思、设计、工程、 制造和 CFD 测试全部在 Guill 位于罗德岛州的西沃里克工厂完 成。 T he global market for pipes used in irrigation systems, sewage systems and industrial applications is expected to grow in the coming years. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets™, the global market for pipes is projected to reach USD 23.5 bil- lion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2020 to 2025. The demand for pipes is driven by the increasing need for water and wastewater infrastructure, as well as the growth in indus- trialization and urbanization. These factors are expected to drive demand for pipes in emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil, as well as in developed markets such as the United States and Europe. The U.S. government has announced seve- ral infrastructure improvement plans aimed at revitalizing the country's aging infrastructure, including its water and waste- water systems. In March 2021, President Biden proposed the American Jobs Plan, a $2 trillion infrastructure plan that includes funding for a wide range of infrastructure projects, including the moderniza- tion of water infrastructure. The plan proposes to invest $111 billion in drinking water infrastructure, $45 billion in reducing lead exposure in drinking water and $56 billion in modernizing water infrastructure, including wastewater treatment plants and stormwater management systems.