Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2023

X-RAY 8700 NXT: 交联生产线冷端的高效品质控制 44 质量控制 - 案例研究 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2023 CV 生产线末端的高效品质控制 Quality Control – Case Study: Efficient Quality Control at the End of the CV Line 宁波东方 Ningbo East 在交联生产线的中压、高压、超高压及海底电 缆的生产过程中,SIKORA 的 X-RAY 8000 系列产品可进行持续可靠的质量控制,现已成 为行业标杆,在全球销售超过1,700台。这些 检测系统以其对多达三层电缆的同心度、壁 厚、直径和椭圆度进行精确可靠的检测而为用 户所信赖。 For a continuous and reliable quality control at the production of medium, high and extra-high vol- tage cables as well submarine cables in CV lines, SIKORA’s X-RAY 8000 product family has set stan- dards with more than 1,700 devices sold world- wide. The systems convince by precise and reliable measurements of concentricity, wall thickness, diameter and ovality as well as by controlling cables with up to three layers.