Extrusion Asia Edition 2-2023

05 Extrusion Asia Edition 2/2023 目录 I N THIS ISSUE StOp项目及其合作伙伴成功地树立了重大里程 碑,展示了一种扩展价格实惠的废料管理和回收解 决方案的模式,以帮助应对印度尼西亚的塑料废料 挑战。 Project STOP and its partners reached significant milestones in demonstrating a model for expanding affordable waste management and recycling solutions to help address the plastic waste challenge in Indonesia. 36 是什么影响了塑料薄膜的碳足迹?Brückner maschinenbau 和 envistra 在一项研究中探讨了这 一问题。 What influences the carbon footprint of a plastic film and where is the greatest potential for reduction? Brückner Maschinenbau and envistra investigated this question in a study. 43 pIXArGUS,profilControl 7 DX 木塑复合材料在线检测系统,确 保在连续的在线检测过程中100%检查整个板材的轮廓。 The PIXARGUS inline system, ProfilControl 7 DX WoodPlasticComposites, ensures 100% inspection of the entire board profile in a continuous, inline process. 40 高分子材料挤出是一个能源密集型的过程。在过去 的几十年里,许多努力都是为了提高SmL挤出生产 线的能源效率。 Polymer extrusion is an energy-intensive process. In the last decades, many efforts have been directed towards improving the energy efficiency of SML extrusion lines. 30 SIKOrA 的 X rAY 8000 产品系列为电缆生产中持续可靠的 质量控制设定了标准。 For continuous and reliable quality control in the production of cables, SIKORA's X RAY 8000 product family has set standards. 44 巴登费尔德-辛辛那提公司(battenfeld-cincinnati)和 德国泰普公司(templet Deutschland) 20多年来一直 在制定复杂塑料-金属复合管的生产标准。 battenfeld-cincinnati and Templet Deutschland have been setting standards in the production of complex plastic-metal composite pipes for over 20 years. 28