Extrusion International 1-2019

48 Extrusion International 1/2019 TESTING TECHNOLOGY Star 5: Value-added services With a series of other benefits, Brabender offers added services that are truly special. Customers whowant to go easy on their budgets and still test the condition of their devices within the defined timeframe can utilize Brabender’s inspection and maintenance contracts. “A regular check-up en- sures constantly correct measurements that are necessary for a flawless, continuous production process,” is how the Brabender Service Director describes the high benefit of the maintenance contracts. “In the end, the customers can then avoid partially significant expenditures for han- dling complaints, not to mention damage to their reputation and image.“ Individual or standard – reliability is what counts Brabender customers can decide individually in which scope and how often the maintenance and inspections should take place. „We generally provide so- lutions that follow the needs of the customers. The small- est service we can offer is an inspection. This can be up- graded to the Standard Preventive Service (SPS). In this process we replace parts, calibrate and perform control measurements. This package in turn can be expanded to include emergency responses with the Premium Service (PS), and with a guaranteed replacement device and short response time to the Full Premium Service (FPS). Every- thing can be combined – exactly as the customer wishes. For new devices, of course, this also includes an extension of the guarantee with an optional warranty extension,” the Service Director Kunicke explains. In the cycles for preventive maintenance, the Brabender 5-Star Service also shows flexibility: whether on a quar- terly, semi-annual or annual basis – in addition to these customary repetitions, agreements with a two-year inter- val are available. Kai Kunicke knows the benefits: „If you have a maintenance contract, you can specifically plan the costs for each budget year. Many customers often have separate budgets for such expenses. The budget for repairs can then be freed up. “ As part of a maintenance contract, customers can get up- dates for the Brabender application software. The ben- efit is obvious: this avoids incompatibilities and the de- vice’s evaluation possibilities are improved. As an add-on for preventive maintenance, the Brabender service team offers emergency responses and remote maintenance. Both can be added to a maintenance contract for a fee. Calibration Kit – reference material for food and chemistry The so-called Brabender Calibration Kit is a special “ser- vice”. Brabender customers can use it to compare the pro- jected and actual values on their devices by themselves. It consists of reference material, procedural instructions and themeasurement result of this material as a reference that was obtained onmaster machines. They are used only for this material and must always deliver the same results. This means that anywhere in the world, devices that are tested with this reference material correspond with the master device, the “original meter”. If this is ever not the case, the customer can discuss possible solutions directly with the customer service. From the measurement results, in turn, the Brabender service employees can draw impor- tant conclusions about the condition of the device. At the same time they receive a catalog of procedures to return the device to the required condition. Regular checks with the Calibration Kit are possible for various devices in the food and chemical business areas and are easy to per- form. It’s worthwhile: if it goes well, the control measure- ments prevent expensive complaints, unnecessary waste or even damage to the company’s reputation. In the end, we understand the sentence “We deliver more than just devices” very well. The Brabender 5-Star Service offers comprehensive services throughout the en- tire lifecycle of the devices. Even in case of complex prob- lems, the experienced and competent service technicians always strive to help as quickly as possible. This deserves five stars, in the truest sense of the word. Learn more about the Brabender 5-Star Service: https://bit.ly/2QO1sIa Watch the Brabender 5-Star-Service video: https://youtu.be/Lmige5lAVGw Brabender ® GmbH & Co. KG Kulturstr. 49-51, 47055 Duisburg, Germany www.brabender.com To ensure functionality, Brabender offers reference material for its various devices