Extrusion International 1-2022

49 Extrusion International 1/2022 Bausano & Figli Spa C.so Indipendenza 111, 10086 Rivarolo Canavese (TO), Italy www.bausano.com In detail, the market for composites obtained from nat- ural fi bres is experiencing signi fi cant growth thanks to the properties thatmake thesematerials unique in terms of versatility, reliability and environmental impact. In fact, they are 100% recyclable and can be transformed into a new product at low cost. By virtue of their excep- tional performance characteristics, in terms of high re- sistance to corrosion, atmospheric agents, UV rays and impermeability, they are ideal for cladding, furniture and indoor and outdoor fl ooring, especially decking. Furthermore, thanks to their increased lifespan, plant fi bre-plastic composite materials are also increasingly used in the automotive sector, for the internal lining of door panels, dashboards, trunks and for the production of particularly light components, which contribute to re- duce the weight of vehicles. Bausano’s extrusion technology has been perfected to incorporate up to 100 phr of wood or natural fi bre. The speci fi c counter-rotating twin-screw con fi guration makes it possible to achieve an accurate mixing be- tween melted polymer and fi bre, passing it through the mould without the need for a melting pump. Speci fi cal- ly, pro fi les can be directly extruded from the raw mate- rial (direct extrusion) or the material can be processed starting from the granule (indirect extrusion). In direct extrusion, Bausano machines ensure the processing of fi bres with a humidity level of up to 12% at a speed three times higher with respect to other solutions on the market. The granulation lines, speci fi cally designed to ensure maximum performance at any production speed, also enable the use of recycling materials and can be con fi gured with premixing or gravimetric dos- ing systems upstream. The granules obtained can thus be transformed into a fi nished product either through moulding or extrusion, with twin or single screw. Lastly, the lines are distinguished by the high degree of cust- omisation, the wide range of modular accessories and a special coating, on request, which extends the useful lifespan of screws and cylinders up to 25,000 hours, be- fore replacement is required. Clemente Bausano, Vice President of the Company states: “The plant fi bre-plastic composite materials are a valid alternative in construction and architecture. In fact, they are part of a circular economy perspective: for example, the wood used is usually a product of waste from the furniture industry that is recycled to be ex- truded again, thus limiting deforestation. Europe is cur- rently the third largest market in the world for wood- plastic composites and I believe that EU policies for the environment and climate provide signi fi cant opportuni- ties for the growth of the sector, in particular through the “Renovation Wave” strategy, an integral part of the Green Deal promoted by Brussels”. And he concludes: “For Bausano, enhancing this range of extruders is part of a broader programme, aimed at pursuing the sustain- able development goals drafted in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. A path that sees us engaged on three lev- els: social, environmental and economic, acting as the spokespeople for a virtuous change that also involves our customers”.