Extrusion International 1-2025

10 Extrusion International 1/2025 INDUSTRY NEWS GreenPlast 2025 – Shaping a Sustainable Future for Plastics At the of cial streaming press conference on 26th November for GreenPlast 2025, the conference titled „Shaping a Sustainable Future for Plastics“ was intro- duced. This event will take place on the same dates as the exhibition, which will be held in Milan from 27 to 30 May 2025. With Europe at the forefront of adopting sustainable practices and a continuously evolving regulatory con- text, the conference will serve as a platform for interna- tional collaboration, enabling stakeholders to exchange ideas and drive meaningful change across borders. The conference coordinators, AMI (Applied Market Infor- mation) and Promaplast, have collaborated to curate a comprehensive programme, organised into thematic sessions, covering key aspects such as: plastics waste management, materials recycling, energy ef ciency, plastics sustainability, and bioplastics. The names of the rst con rmed speakers, divided by day and the topics they will address.: Day 1 - Strategies for Sustainability: The conference will open with talks from experts and industry leaders from companies such as Lavazza, Gruppo Happy, and the European Plastics Converters association EuPC, who will discuss the legislative aspects of plastics waste. Day 2 - Sourcing Plastic Waste: This day will focus on the procurement of sustainable materials, with an ini- tial overview of the European markets by AMI and talks fromexperts in thewastemanagement sector, followed by a presentation on automated plastic waste sorting. Day 3 - The Future of Mechanical Recycling: Day three will begin with an exploration of the future of plastics recycling, followed by a session dedicated to closing the loop in plastic recovery processes, featuring experts. The day will conclude with a technological presentation on upcycling, with case studies from Sirmax. Day 4 - Chemical Recycling and Polymer Innovation: The nal day will focus on the role of chemical recycling in transforming plastic waste into valuable resources. Presentations will examine the most signi cant advances in recycling technologies and sustainability projects relat- ed to packaging reuse. Leading polymer producers will discuss progress in research and development of sustain- able materials. PROMAPLAST srl www.greenplast.org www.smart-extrusion.com