Extrusion International 1-2025

13 Extrusion International 1/2025 Zumbach Electronic AG | Hauptstrasse 93 | 2552 Orpund | Schweiz Phone: +41 (0)32 356 04 00 | sales@zumbach.ch | www.zumbach.com UMAC® Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Measurement Solutions for the Extrusion of Plastic Pipes Benefits: Utilizes ultra-sonic technology to accurately measure wall thickness and concentricity of up to 5 layers simultaneously Measurement of ultra-thin wall thickness down to 0.08mm and of products with sizes from 0.2mm to 400mm Allows for continuous in-line measurements and real-time data acquisition during the extrusion process, ensuring consistent quality control Offers reduced setup times, raw material savings, scrap reduction and fully automated control Over 2000 installed systems, successfully used all over the world up to 8000 Scan rate (scans/s) 0.2 ... 400 Object diameter (mm) 0.08 Wall thickness (mm) 1–8 Measurement points 2000+ Globally installed systems „Laying out and evaluating packaging made from mono-material“ 11 March 2025, Online, English Mono-materials are the trend in lm packaging to - day. What are the reasons for this trend? The available materials for packaging made of monomaterials that are typically used for food packaging are examined. The focus is on polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) as well as copolymers of polyole ns such as EVOH. It shows which pitfalls need to be considered with monomaterials and which systems are already imple- mented on the market today, thus providing guidance to manufacturers of lm packaging as well as buyers and brand owners. Particular attention is paid to processability in the manufacturing process, but also in packaging and ap- plication. www.innoform-coaching.de/webseminar/laying- out-and-evaluating-packaging-made-from-mono- material-from- lm-structure-to-application-2025