Extrusion International 1-2025
45 Extrusion International 1/2025 www.smart-extrusion.com rent economic context. Electricity represents one of the highest costs in the manufacturing industry and solutions capable of signi cantly re - ducing them represents an essential competitive advantage. Moretto offers several patented automations that stand out for their energy ef ciency: the OTX drying hopper; the Hyper Flow turbocom- pressors; all the dryers that adopt the exclusive Moretto “X Technol- ogy” and many other products that have contributed to the company's success over the years. The environment, an asset to be preserved Looking at the environmental factor, the company promotes the ef cient management and use of resources within its production pro- cesses and along its value chain. The only use of energy from re- newable sources in our factories represents one of the initiatives already implemented. The 100% CLEAN ENERGY brand identi es the origin of electricity from renewable sources, produced by the hydroelec- tric stations located in the Italian Dolomites, whose generation does not cause emissions of gases re- sponsible for the greenhouse effect. In addition, the achievement of the UNI EN ISO 50001 certi cation con rms the adoption of an energy management systemcompliant with international best practices that en- sures less waste and a better use of resources. Minimising the ecologi- cal footprint of its business through energy ef ciency, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the use of LED lighting in factories, the sus- tainable management of resources and the promotion of the circular economy are synergic actions imple- mented with foresight that have al- lowed Moretto to reduce its overall consumption by 13% in 2023, the reporting year, compared to 2022. Value-based social responsibility and governance The more the company progresses in digital evolution and automation, the more the contribution of the in- dividual is recognised. An integral part of the corporate policy is the respect for the individual, the con- tinuous improvement of safety and the focus on the welfare of its em- ployees and collaborators. Resource management is conducted with the aim of enhancing each pro le, trying to guarantee an increase in technical and professional skills, ap- plying the principle of inclusion and respect for the value of diversity. Furthermore, the commitment to achieve quality and sustainability goals requires a high level of em- ployee involvement, which Moretto supports with training and aware- ness campaigns. Initiatives and actions that nd their expression in the publication of the Sustainability Report with which the company undertakes a transparent and shared path, with the belief that sustainable develop- ment is an opportunity to strength- en its organisation, create value for all stakeholders and contribute to a better future for the planet. The document is available for con- sultation on the company website in the “ABOUT US” section. Moretto S.p.A. Via dell' Artigianato, 3 - 35010 Massanzago (PD), Italy www.moretto.com Drying installation
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