Extrusion International 2-2018

57 Extrusion International 2/2018 Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH www.gneuss.com Hall 2, Booth 2J31 Gneuss’ top model, the RSFgenius, operates with an in- tegrated self cleaning system for very demanding ap- plications and highest quality requirements. Screens can be automatically re-used up to 400 times and filtra- tion finenesses below 10 microns/1200 mesh are avail- able. The KF range of continuous filtration systems is designed speci-fically for applications with frequent material type, grade or color changes as well as for high pressure applica- tions like blown film. The KF screen changers are especially compact and offer excellent value for money while permit- ting simple and quick screen changes on the fly. Gneuss Measurement Technology products: As a machin- ery manufacturer, Gneuss has the manufacturing capabili- ties to realize even unusual sensor requirements. The lean manufacturing structure at Gneuss makes this possible with shortest delivery times. Gneuss sensors are available to match regional or application – specific requirements such as Atex, Hart Communication or EAC. In especially difficult process conditions with short pres- sure overloads, frequent pressure spikes as well as unmelts in the material, sensors are highly stressed. Gneuss builds a special heavy-duty design with a special membrane tech- nology for these applications. Also, Gneuss offers a special transducer for food applica- tions, where regular cleaning of the machinery is necessary, so that sensors are often subject to steamor water jets. Gne- uss has developed a special type of sensor for these applica- tions, which remains waterproof even if its plug is removed. Continuous Rotary Filtration System KF 150 for frequent material changes Want to know more? Contact us: +49 (0)79 40 10-0 www.burkert.com/extrusion Temperature control made simple Feeling the heat? Relax, we’ve got it covered. Flexible, reliable and ready-to-use, our 0RGXODU 3URFHVV &RQWURO 3ODWIRUP PDNHV SURFHVV KHDWLQJ DQG FRROLQJ LQFUHGLEO\ HijRUW OHVV %DVHG RQ \RXU LQMHFWLRQ PROGLQJ RU H[WUXVLRQ UHTXLUHPHQWV ZH FRQıJXUH D VROX tion that’s utterly reliable: temperature-resistant up to 200°C (392 °F), no moving parts, DQG D G\QDPLF UDQJH RI %HQHıW IURP D FRPSOHWH FRQWURO ORRS PDQXIDFWXUHG E\ ljXLG H[SHUWV ş LW VDYHV \RX YDOXDEOH HQJLQHHULQJ DQG DVVHPEO\ WLPH /HDYH WHPSHUDWXUH control to us, and take it easy.