Extrusion International 2-2020
37 Extrusion International 2/2020 age during opening and closing the water network. Thanks to Molecular Orientation, TOM ® pipes counts with a higher internal diameter and great- er flow section contributing to their hydraulic capacity and having about 15 to 40 per cent more than pipes made from other materials. Addi- tionally, they have a maximum duc- tility. Thanks to this ductility, TOM ® pipes can bear big deformations of their internal diameter. The full range of TOM ® PVC-O pipes manufactured by Molecor, as well as the ecoFITTOM ® PVC-O fittings, are products that cover all the me- dium and high pressure needs of the market, present these features, or difficult to handle. But the full range of PVC-O TOM ® pipes has be- come the best choice for the convey- ance of water under pressure due to their physical and mechanical prop- erties, which are improved during the manufacturing process. PVC-O pipes are lighter and more ductile, and this lightness and ductil- ity allow an installation performance impossible to think with tubes made of other materials but with the same outside diameter. TOM ® PVC-O pipes weigh less than the half of PVC and PE pipes, and between six and twelve times less per linear meter than cast iron pipes of an equivalent nominal outside diameter. This lightness, to- gether with the ease of the connec- tion system of these pipes and the watertight of its joints, make of them the ones with the highest speed in- stallation performance in the market. Besides this, TOM ® pipes have an ex- tremely high resistance to impacts; this means that shocks or impacts are minimized during their manipulation or installation. Moreover, the mate- rial creep behavior is very low, ensur- ing the durability of the pipe working at nominal pressure for over a hun- dred of years. They offer lower celerity than other piping systems, which means less wa- ter hammers caused by sudden varia- tions in water volume and pressure. This reduces the possibility of break- regardless of its size. These products have also proved to be highly chemi- cal and mechanical resistant against degradation and corrosion since Oriented PVC is completely immune to corrosion, to chemical substances and organisms present in nature, in- suring water quality. All products manufactured by the technology of Molecor, TOM ® pipes and ecoFITTOM ® fittings, can be used with several applications: con- duits for potable water transport, pipelines for transport of water that have been treated to remove impuri- ties, irrigation facilities, sewage, fire protection nets and even industrial applications. The choice of what product we should use must be posed consid- ering several parameters like the intallation’s durability, hydraulic capacity, ease of installation, opera- tional efficiency or the maintenance costs, all of them characteristics well covered by the TOM ® pipes and the ecoFITTOM ® fittings, becoming the best solution to pressure water con- veyance. MOLECOR ® molecor.com/en
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