Extrusion International 2-2024

31 Extrusion International 2/2024 als such as PS, PP, PE, PLA can be re- cycled. The OMNI series is also used in the decontamination of post-con- sumer waste for the production of direct food contact products such as HDPE bottle caps, coffee caps and for odor reduction and degassing of PA, SAN or other polymers. OMNI 130 Recycling Machine for post-consumer PET reclaim on display at NPE Gneuss will showa completeOMNI Recycling Machine featuring a Multi Rotation SystemMRS 130 extruder, a water ring pump vacuum system, a fully automatic melt filtration system RSFgenius 150 and an online viscom- eter VIS. This machine is designed for the processing of up to 1000 kg/h (2,2000 lbs/h) of undried and uncrys- tallized polyester (PET) reclaim. The line on display in Orlando will be delivered to a customer in Peru after the show to process R-PET into a thermoforming sheet. In addition to its compact design, which requires very little space and can therefore usually be easily inte- grated into existing premises, the OMNI scores highly in terms of flex - ibility. The fully automated control of vacuum, extruder, dosing, degas- sing dwell time and filter exchange ensures a consistently high quality of the end product while allowing the operator to use lower cost input materials. With the tight and vary- ing materials market it is becoming increasingly important to be able to produce regardless of the proper- ties of the input materials, especially in the case of varying and uncertain input qualities in the future. The compact design also results in very low energy consumption. Any energy used in the extrusion process is designed to be used in the next process step. This not only has a no- ticeable effect on electricity and gas consumption, but also significantly reduces the CO 2 footprint of the re- cycling process. Multiple screw extruder MRS The MRS extruder is based on conventional single screw technol- ogy but is equipped with a multiple screw section for devolatilization. It enables very efficient and gentle de - contamination of the polymer melt, whilst achieving the requirements for direct food contact standards. In addition, the MRS extruder per- mits the processing of R-PET directly into high quality end products such as packaging sheet, strapping tape or filaments without pre-drying by using a simple and rugged vacuum system. All this is achieved by means of its unique and patented process- ing section. The Multi Rotation Sec- MAAG Group is the Partner for the Polymer Processing Industry worldwide. All of our integrated solutions from Pump and Filtration Systems to Pelletizing and Pulverizing systems to Recycling Systems have an outstanding performance for demanding customer requirements. NEW member of the MAAG Group: NEXT LEVEL SOLUTIONS Integrated Systems for Polymer Processing maag.com Innovative MRS extruder Patented Rotary Filtration System RSFgenius