Extrusion International 4-2020

51 Extrusion International 4/2020 Aleko Machinery www.polimerexpert.ru High speed HDPE blown film extrusion line Aleko Turbo Aleko Turbo is designed for the production of thin films at high speed. This machine was presented at K 2019 Show and even under the conditions of exhibition it managed to work at 200 m/min producing 5 micron film. It should be mentioned that machines working at such speed can be produced by just a few companies in the world. Here- with, unlike the analogues, “Aleko Turbo” shows sustain- able high speed even with inexpensive HDPE grades (Stav- rolene, Tricolene). Multilayer Coex blown film lines ALEKO The company also manufactures multilayer co-extrusion blown film lines that are in high demand at the world market: 5-layer, 3-layer, including ABA and ABC types. The machines are equipped with self-engineered Inner Bubble Cooling system, automatic thickness control system and film positioning system. The productive capacity of such machines varies from 200 to 500 kg/h. At the same time the energy consumption rate of Aleko blown film lines is quite low with respect to the working speed and output parameters. Besides the extrusion blown film lines, Aleko manufac- tures auxiliary equipment for them such as dosing systems (gravimetric and volumetric type), extrusion control sys- tems and a thickness control system with an unrivalled ef- ficiency, which provides decrease of thickness variations of up to 70%. This way, Aleko’s customers are able to solve all issues in a “one window” mode, getting “turnkey” solu- tions without expending their efforts to search and select optional equipment and avoid problems of its integration in the extrusion line. +LJK 6SHHG EORZQ ILOP OLQH ZRUNLQJ ZLWK %LRGHJUDGDEOH UDZ PDWHULDO k $/(.2 %,2 v ILOP WKLFNQHVV IURP PFP NJ K +LJK 6SHHG +'3( EORZQ ILOP OLQH $/(.2 785%2 +3'( P PLQ ILOP WKLFNQHVV IURP PFP $XWRPDWLF ILOP WKLFNQHVV FRQWURO V\VWHPV *UDYLPHWULF DQG YROXPHWULF GRVLQJ V\VWHPV Z ZZ HQ SROLPHUH[SHUW UX 5RVWRY RQ 'RQ 5XVVLD 0XOWLOD\HU &RH[ EORZQ ILOP OLQHV $/(.2 OD\HU OD\HU $%& $%$ ([WUXVLRQ FRQWURO V\VWHPV 5866,$1 0$18)$&785(5 2) 32/<0(5 352&(66,1* (48,30(17 Film thickness control system