Extrusion International 4-2023

12 Extrusion International 4/2023 INDUSTRY NEWS Event Highlights for the Company's 40th Anniversary There was plenty for the guests to admire at the EREMADiscovery Day, whichwas held by plastics recycling machine manufacturer EREMA in Ansfelden on the 1st of June. The invitation was accepted by around 400 custom- ers andpartners,mainly fromEurope, tofindout about the wide rangeof recycling technologies for POandPETplastic waste. The technology that was presented and explained by EREMA experts and guest speakers during lectures in the morning, could then be seen live in-action in the after- noon when the recycling machines were demonstrated in operation. A total of six innovative recycling technologies were on display: INTAREMA ® TVE-plus ® DuaFil ® Compact, INTAREMA ® TVEplus ® RegrindPro ® + ReFresher, the COREMA ® cascade extrusion system, a VACUREMA ® Inline Sheet line equipped with new EcoGentle technology, the new INTAREMA ® FibrePro:IVmachine, and the PCU-Twin- Screw. These allowed visitors towitness their performance and the high quality of recycled pellets that they produce. "This wide range of technologies is necessary because the recycling process each of our customers choose depends on the type of plastic, the level of contamination of the in- put material, and which product will be made using the recycled pellets. Following the expansion of our Ansfelden site and with the new site nearby in St. Marien, we can now demonstrate all these processes, carry out test runs with customers' material and focus on development work independently of our Customer Centre," says EREMA's Managing Director Markus Huber-Lindinger. EREMA is driving forward research and development work in the company's new R&D Centre. Two halls with a total area of 1,550 square metres and a new office building offering space for 50 workplaces has been built. Here, the company bundles cross-departmental test machines and laboratory facilities for post consum- er and inhouse recycling applications. R&D is decentral- ised at EREMA. Employees from different departments handle process engineering challenges, innovations in mechanical engineering and automation technology – all with the aim of meeting customer requirements and achieving the highest possible quality of recycled pel- lets. "This is how we make it possible to implement a circular economy for plastics", says Huber-Lindinger. "With the new R&D centre, we have laid the founda- tion for further important plastics recycling milestones from EREMA. This innovative strength is what has made us stand out over the past 40 years, and we will continue to play this pioneering role." On the evening before Discovery Day, EREMA cele- brated its 40th anniversary together with customers and partners. An entertaining review covered the company's successful history – from the first workshop in a garage in 1983, to its position today as the innovation pioneer and world market leader that has made plastics recycling for specific applications possible in the first place. EREMA Group www.erema.com Manfred Hackl, CEO EREMA Group and Markus Huber- Lindinger, Managing Director EREMA, open the EREMA Discovery Day 2023 (© EREMA) Market Study: Plastic Films Plastic films get stronger and more transparent if they are stretched longitudinally and crosswise during production. The "biaxially oriented" plastics poly- propylene (BOPP), polyethylene (BOPE) and polyester (BOPET) are processed into packaging, bags and sacks, shrink and stretch films, but also, for example, agricultural films, insulation material and in- dustrial films. According to the lat- est Ceresana study on the global market for flexible plastic films, which is already the third edi- tion, the revenues generated with these films will increase to around USD 339 billion by 2032. The study in brief Chapter 1 analyzes the global mar- ket for plastic films with forecasts up to 2032: production and demand volumes in tonnes, as well as rev- enues in USD and EUR are provided globally and for individual regions. Global demand is broken down for the different types of plastics: polyethylene (PE); polypropylene (unoriented CPP, BOPP, other PP); BOPET < 50 µm; BOPET > 50 µm; PVC; other plastics. In Chapter 2, the 18 most signifi - cant countries for plastic films are considered individually. Country- specific demand, revenues, and production volume per film type are presented: LDPE; LLDPE; HDPE; PP; BOPET; PVC; other plastics. The demand is further analyzed for the individual application ar- eas. Packaging Films; Bags & Sacks; Shrink & Stretch Films; Agricultural Films; other Applications. Chapter 3 provides company pro- files of the most important plastic film producers, clearly arranged by contact details, revenues, profit, product range, production facilities and brief profile. Detailed profiles are provided by 99 manufacturers https://ceresana.com/en/produkt/ plastic-films-market-report-world