Extrusion International 5-2018
21 Extrusion International 5/2018 Whowill win themotan innovation award (mia) 2018? Awardwinnerswill be announced on 18October in Friedrichshafen The countdown has started: Six mia finalists presented their plastic innova- tions to an independent jury of experts in July and are now waiting to see if they will make it to the podium. After close examination of the project ideas behind closed doors, the four-member panel of experts from universities and institutes in the field of plastics research has already come to a decision. However, official an- nouncement of the winners will not be made until autumn: The motan innova- tion award will be presented on 18th Oc- tober 2018 during FAKUMA at the Dorni- er Museum in Friedrichshafen. Nominated are ideas that ... - Solve customer-specific problems. - Integrate new technologies into exist- ing applications. - Create new applications for existing products and solutions. - Conserve resources, be it on motan de- vices or on the part of plastic manufac- turer and processors. - Increase operator and service ease of use. - Enable new business models. The first annual mia award ceremony took place nearly two years ago at K‘2016 in Düsseldorf. At that time, four clever ideas convinced the jury. Two of the award-win- ning innovations also passed all practice tests and were further developed success- fully. Once again in 2018, motan holding gmbh wants to make good ideas sustain- able by promoting projects by future mia award winners. In addition to prize mon- ey, winners will receive support for patent applications as well as developing their own inventions to market maturity. But patience is still required: at the moment, who will occupy the first three places and how the prize money of Euro 20,000 will be distributed is only known by the jury. motan group www.motan-colortronic.com/de/ innovation/motan-innovation-award.html Quality in its purest form. With passion, we develop future- oriented inspection, analyzing and VRUWLQJ V\VWHPV IRU RIÁLQH TXDOLW\ assurance of plastic pellets, such as the PURITY CONCEPT Systems . A technological innovation VLJQLÀFDQWO\ LQFUHDVLQJ WKH TXDOLW\ of raw material and end products resulting in saved costs. ² 2IÁLQH LQVSHFWLRQ DQG DQDO\VLV of transparent, diffuse or colored plastic material – With X-ray or optical technologies depending on expected contamination – Monitoring and data logging for maximum process optimization Visit us from October 16-20 at Fakuma 2018 Friedrichshafen, Germany. Booth A6-6110 www.sikora.net/purityconcept The trophy of the motan innovation award The six MIA nominees andmotan CEO Sandra Füllsack. From left to right: Philipp Mählmeyer, Peter Haupt, Sandra Füllsack, BerndMichael, Karl Wolfgang, Stefan Endres and Reinhard Herro
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