Extrusion International 5-2024

14 Extrusion International 5/2024 INDUSTRY NEWS New Compact Design FFU Universal Gate Valve  Coperion has developed a new discharge gate valve for controlled bulk material flow from storage bins and hoppers to downstream process steps. This valve is suited for a variety of applications in the chemical and plastics industries with its impressive- ly compact yet very robust construc- tion. One particular feature of this new discharge valve is that it closes securely and reliably while material is flowing, but usually also when the product column is stationary, mak - ing this a perfectly suited gate valve for demanding applications. This new valve that is well thought out in design and construction secures op - erators a singularly reliable technol - ogy solution and makes installation and maintenance simple. Coperion manufactures this dis- charge valve using a precision cast - ing process, enabling its compact and lightweight design. Its intel - ligent geometry, select guide el - ements and the form of the seal ensure that the FFU universal gate valve can be used for a wide vari- ety of applications with the most diverse demands – even in combus- tible areas (ATEX). This new geometry is what allows the gate valve to be used in the usual way even when the bulk mate- rial is stationary and best of all, its high-quality, robust construction ensures dependable operation over time. Various models with manual or pneumatic drive are available in sizes DN 150 to 400 (6 to 16 inches) and can be implemented in a vari- ety of customer-specific options. Coperion GmbH www.coperion.com The recently developed FFU universal gate valve is suited for a variety of discharge applications in myriad industries, boasting a compact yet very robust construction as well as the ability to close when product is stationary (Photo: Coperion, Weingarten/Germany) Lumps and Neckdowns have No Place in the Filament  PMH based in Königswinter, Germany, knows from many years of experience how important the production of high-quality fila - ments is for the 3D printing indus - try. For more than 30 years, the company has been developing cus - tomized extrusion lines and equip - ping its lines with state-of-the-art measuring and control technology from SIKORA to ensure the highest product quality for its customers. Especially in the production of filaments for 3D printing in medical technology, quality assurance is increas- ingly becoming the focus of manufactur- ers. Flawless filaments ensure an optimal material flow during printing. This prevents feed - ing errors, clogging of the extruder and damage to the print head and nozzle. In addition to devices for diameter measurement, PMH's extrusion lines also use LASER LUMP 2000 systems for quality control. The LASER LUMP 2000 is a real all-rounder: it precisely measures the diameter using laser technology and simultaneously de - tects lumps and neckdowns on the filament surface. SIKORA technol - ogy is thus doubly efficient in en - suring that the filament produced meets the highest quality standards and reliability requirements. SIKORA AG www.sikora.net pmh gmbh www.pmh-extruder.de PMH uses the LASER LUMP 2000 from SIKORA for diameter measurement and detection of lumps and neckdowns From left: Michael Kinnart, Technical Manager at PMH GmbH, with Aguinaldo Ramalho, Head of Sales - Wire & Cable, at the filament line with the integrated diameter measuring head and lump detector LASER LUMP 2000 from SIKORA