Extrusion International 5-2024

26 Extrusion International 5/2024 INDUSTRY NEWS Vacuum and Leak Detection Solutions Introduced  Pfeiffer Vacuum introduced state-of-the-art vacuum and leak detection solutions for the hydro- gen and fuel cell sector at this year’s Hannover Messe in Germany. State-of-the art mass spectrometer for gas and residual gas analysis OmniStar GSD 350 is a compact, portable benchtop device which permits gas analysis at atmospheric pressure. It enables fast, reliable and precise measurement of non- condensable gases. The proven mass spectrometer software PV MassSpec provides qualitative and quantitative analyses. The systems cover the mass ranges 1 to 100 amu, 1 to 200 amu and 1 to 300 amu. This makes the OmniStar GSD 350 the fitting solution for material charac - terization tasks, such as hydrogen permeation testing through tank materials or sealing materials. Universal leak detector The ASM 340 is a versatile leak de - tector for hydrogen and helium. The ASM 340 can be used not only for qualitative localization of leaks but also for quantitative integral or lo - cal testing. Its powerful vacuum sys - tem sets it apart and guarantees ex - tremely fast operational readiness. It also features a rapid response time due to its high helium pump - ing speed. These characteristics re - sult in short cycle times and a high throughput rate. The ASM 340 is the only leak detector in its class ca- pable of locating leaks at pressures below 100 mbar. Leakage testing of fuel cell stacks, hydrogen tanks and integrated hydrogen circuits are a main focus. Mobile Leak Test Module Pfeiffer Vacuum also presented a mobile Leak Test Module which of- fers a modular solution for leakage testing. With its individually con - figurable components, the mod - ule is suitable for a wide range of leak testing tasks using helium and hydrogen/forming gas as tracer gases. Its many components permit a wide range of leak testing with tracer gases and make it individu - ally configurable. Its optional au - tomation capabilities make it the ideal solution for efficient and reli - able leak testing at the preliminary development stage right up to the small series level. And that’s not all – Pfeiffer Vac - uum also offers a special Leak Test Module for monopolar and bipolar plates. It can be fully integrated into existing production lines. With its multi-patented setup and process, the module results in short cycle times of under 40 seconds, thus sup - porting efficient production. Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com OmniStar from Pfeiffer Vacuum ASM 340 from Pfeiffer Vacuum Leak test module for leak testing monopolar or bipolar plates from Pfeiffer Vacuum