Extrusion International 6-2024
30 Extrusion International 6/2024 FAKUMA 2024 The system’s approx. 600 mm long, rotatably mounted probe arm oscillates to compensate for such variations. An integrated momentary-contact switch that switches the unit on and off prevents the edge strips from be- ing ripped apart. The machines can be equipped with an optional integrated extraction system. In addition to the LSZ 150/100 edge strip shredder, Hellweg Maschinenbau also offers the servomotor- driven R 200/20 Servo edge trimming system for con- tinuously pre-shredding one or two edge strips from film or sheet production. Also known as a chipper or guillotine, it is designed for a working width of 200 mm with cutting thicknesses of up to 20 mm. The resulting chips, which are some centimeters in size, are further processed by a downstream granulator into millimeter- size regrind or flakes as required. Hellweg’s portfolio includes granulators for every plastics application, from small machine-side granulators for sprues up to high- performance systems for solid parts, film and sheet with throughputs of five metric tons per hour and above. Hellweg Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG www.hellweg-maschinenbau.de Four toothed rollers made of hardened tool steel, arranged in pairs one above the other, reliably feed even heavily profiled edge strips and shred them in a single step (© Hellweg Maschinenbau) Tailored Glass Fiber Package and 360°-Service A highlight at this year’s Fakuma was the new Fiber Package for NGR’s shredder-feeder-extruder com- bination, which integrates shredding, feeding, and ex- truding into a single process with NGR’s proven ONE- STEP technology. The new Fiber Package, specifically developed for processing glass fiber-reinforced plastic waste, opti - mizes the machine to meet the unique material require- ments, ensuring highly efficient efficient wear-resistant processing. “Our goal is to provide application-oriented solu- tions that focus on our customers’ needs and deliver the best possible results,” explains Creighton Varney, Prod- uct Manager for PIR at NGR. “The new Fiber Package includes key components such as specially adapted screws, barrels, and shredder rotor configurations. Ad - ditional features like optimized dust reduction and inte- grated strand pelletizing complete the package.” The Fiber Package is the first of several planned option packages that NGR has newly developed. These packag- es enhance the base machine with proven, application- specific components that have been shown to be highly efficient in many installations. This allows customers to easily and quickly adapt their machines to their specific requirements, increase productivity, minimizewear costs, reduce maintenance, and sustainably optimize their in- vestment by improving operational efficiency. In addition, NGR presented an expanded 360°-Service offering in Friedrichshafen, covering the entire lifecycle of its machines. From commissioning and regular main- tenance to upgrades, spare parts supply, and custom- ized training, NGR ensures that its customers’ machines deliver peak performance at all times. The 360°-Ser- vice ensures that the equipment stays up to date with the latest technology and its efficiency is maximized throughout its operational lifespan. NGR - Next Generation Recycling Machines www.ngh.at Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH (NGR) showcased its latest developments in plastics recycling at Fakuma. The focus was on the new Glass Fiber Package, a specially designed solution for processing glass fiber-reinforced injection molding production waste
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