Extrusion International 1-2024-USA

20 Extrusion International 1/2024 INDUSTRY NEWS Support from Europe for Trade Fair Plástico Brasil  The next Plástico Brasil, exhibition for plastics and rubber machinery, is scheduled to take place in São Paulo from 24 to 28 March 2025. The entire plastics in- dustry supply chain will be represented at this event. Plástico Brasil will be hosted by ABIMAQ (The Brazilian Association for the Machinery and Equipment Industry) while INFORMA MARKETS LTDA, one of Brazil’s largest trade show promoters, is entrusted with the organiza- tion of and publicity for the trade show. In the spirit of mutual support, INFORMA and EUROMAP have now agreed on working more closely together. The collaborative approach comprises en- hanced exchange of experience, involvement in the bodies of Plástico Brasil, support in recruiting exhibi- tors and attracting visitors and the establishment of joint networks. From now on, the Plástico Brasil will be labelled “Sup- ported by EUROMAP”. This endorsement is only given to a limited number of events worldwide to maintain high quality standards. Brazil is a market with great potential. It is an impor- tant and promising market for the EUROMAP countries where they want to see themselves represented at a high-profile exhibition. The Plástico Brasil will take place in Brazil’s largest and most modern exhibition center, the São Paulo Expo Ex- hibition & Convention Center. EUROMAP www.euromap.org "Premium Partner Research" Award Received  Starting in 2024, the SKZ Plastics Center will award the coveted "Premium Partner" distinction not only to educational partners, but also to research partners ret- roactively for the year 2023. ColVisTec from Berlin is one of the first award winners and is being honored for years of successful cooperation in research and development. For several years, the SKZ Plastics Center has been honoring close partners in the field of education with the "Premium Partner Education" award and has al- ready presented a corresponding plaque to various companies in the plastics industry. Starting in 2024, the Würzburg-based institute will also present the award to long-standing research and development partners in the various fields of activity. ColVisTec is thus one of the first winners in the research category. "We would like to thank SKZ not only for the current excellent cooperation, but also for the many years we have worked together on various projects," says Dr. Linda Mittelberg, Group Leader Spectroscopy at SKZ. "I can't remember a year in the last ten years when we haven't worked together with SKZ on a research proj- ect. We already have the next ideas in the pipeline and look forward to continuing this successful coopera- tion," adds Fuat Eker, Director of Sales, Marketing and Customization at ColVisTec AG. Research in the field of spectroscopy primarily serves the further development of inline measurement methods for quality assurance in the plastics industry. ColVisTec develops, adapts and applies unique technol- ogy and software solutions based on inline UV-Vis spec- trophotometry for the coating, pharmaceutical, plastics and chemical industries. The two partners have already achieved numerous successes, such as the recently com- pleted ZIM project "RecyColor", in which the color of recycled material can be automatically corrected. ColVisTec AG www.colvistec.de SKZ Plastics Center Dr. Linda Mittelberg, l.mittelberg@skz.de www.skz.de Fuat Eker, Director of Sales, Marketing and Customization at ColVisTec AG, receives the Premium Partner Research plaque from Dr. Linda Mittelberg, Group Leader Spectroscopy at SKZ (Photo: René Bauer, SKZ)