Extrusion International USA 3-2019

40 Extrusion International 3/2019 MEASURING TECHNOLOGY iNOEX GmbH Maschweg 70, 49324 Melle, Germany www.inoex.de used. QUANTUM features one sensor which reverses around the pipe. Cov- erage is a full 360° of the total pipe circumference. Thus, this is not a real 100 % measurement. For WARP we use static sensors which are distrib- uted around the pipe for continuous and parallel pipe measurement. Con- sequently, based on an increase of the number of sensors, WARP carries out a real 100 %measurement. Please do explain: what is meant by „real“ 100%measurement? Klose: We talk of a 100 % measure- ment as a „real“ 100 % measurement as long as the pipe coverage is com- plete, independent of the pipe dimen- sion or the line speed. Our specially developed optical system focusses Terahertz waves on the pipe center. Sensors are arranged in a way to make measuring spots overlap so that we get a close coverage also in extrusion direction. This principle has been field proven for many years as we also use it for our AUREX ERS sys- tem. Further, the sensor system is able to carry out measurements without reciprocal influence. Measurements are carried out and evaluated in paral- lel and at a maximum repeat rate. Yet another highlight is thatWARP sensors are able to measure throughout the pipe, this means also on the opposite side of the pipe. In other words, we virtually double the number of sensors. WARP 100/630 thus carries out 1.520 measurements per second. You just talked about the „real“ 100% measurement. That sounds as if there exist „fake“ 100 % measurements, too? Klose: The term „fake“ is not correct. We call a reversing or rotating measur- ing technique such as it is carried out by our QUANTUM a 360° measure- ment. Due to the continuous sensor movement along the pipe surface, a large number of measuring points is generated. The disadvantage of this technique is caused by the pipe mov- ing through the system. Therefore, we term this kind of measurement only a continuous wall thickness measure- ment around the pipe circumference. In order to achieve a 100 % coverage, the sensor would have to rotate at a very high speed around the pipe in or- der to achieve an overlapping in extru- sion direction. This very fast rotation would require a very high measuring frequency, too. Mr. Klose, are there any legal provi- sions which need to be observed by the customer when he uses Terahertz technology? Klose: There are no provisions which have to be observed by the customer. Of course, iNOEX has to observe limit values, something we have taken into account right from the beginning when we designed our systems. We got the confirmation by several mea- suring labs that we not only comply with limit values but are way beyond permitted limits. You have already sold a number of sys- tems. How about their acceptance in the market? Klose: In the meantime, we have es- tablished more than 150 systems in the market.We receivedaparticularly posi- tive feedback for our WARP portable. This handheld device features the chip- based FMCW technology and is widely accepted for medium and large-sized pipes, also due to the fact that mea- suring results are available within sec- onds and measuring is simple. In the beginning some persuasion work was of course necessary but the combined solution of our inlinemeasuring system and the proven iNOEX gravimetry of- fers a complete solution for the auto- mation of pipe extrusion. The process- optimized design of our systems makes their implementation into newor exist- ing production lines easy. What are your visions being a leader in innovations? What are you particularly proud of? Klose: We are particularly proud that we are a pioneer in the introduction of Terahertz based measuring systems to the market. And we are justly proud that we carried out a large part of the development work ourselves (soft- ware, hardware, sensors and mechan- ics). This consistent know-how chain with the important components all coming fromone source is sucha signif- icant advantage because it will permit us to continue our developments flex- ibly and efficiently. In the futurewewill always be able to offer the most recent technology. Further, we have accumu- lated not only in this area many years of know-how but also throughout our complete field of business. More than 100 iNOEX patents filed are convincing evidence. Mr. Klose, we thank you for this inter- view. Highly preciseWARP systems offer time andmaterial savings, end products are high-quality products. Relevant data is available in real time.