Extrusion International USA 3-2019

42 Extrusion International 3/2019 MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY – CASE STUDY solution in X-ray technology. For two years now, the company has also been using a new technology from SIKORA that is based on millimeter waves and which is applied during the extrusion of large plastic pipes and thus follows a future-oriented approach. “There are several methods for quality control on the market. The newly developed mil- limeter wave technology convinced us with its smart measurement principal”, says Andre Richter, Team Leader of the divisionpiping systems at Gerodur. “Es- pecially for the measurement of large pipes in the dimension range of 250 to 630 mm and wall thicknesses of up to 60mm, we see significant benefits”, he continues. In the line, the millimeter wave system CENTERWAVE 6000 is installed directly after the first vacuum tank. The system measures over 360 degrees of the pipe circumference the diameter, ovality, wall thickness and the sagging in real- time and, thus, enables a fast centering of the extrusion tools. An alternative measuring method on the market is ultra sound. This technology also mea- sures thepipediameters, however, due to its temperature dependency, it can only be applied later in the production process. “It is our goal to receive reli- able and accurate information about the pipe dimensions as early in the pro- cess as possible in order to take actions if necessary. Thereby, an early mea- surement of the wall thickness is of sig- nificant importance considering that pipes with large diameters and large wall thicknesses are being produced at a line speed of 0.5 meters per minute”, adds Richter. An optimized start-up process – mean- ing time saving and manufacturing at nominal dimensions while, simultane- ously, avoidingwaste – leads to process reliability and an efficient production, which is often crucial with regard to competition. Gerodur understands its business as a continuous improvement process. “We constantly review our processes and also break new grounds if this enables us to further increase cus- tomer satisfaction”, explains AxelMan- tey, Managing Director of Technology at Gerodur. “In addition to quality, the highest delivery reliability and flexibil- ity concerning customer requirements are important aspects.” Thus, the company has launched two innovative products, which opened up new appli- cation areas. Gerodur also places high demands on its suppliers. Process technology, which includes measuring and control tech- nology, is a crucial component within the value-added chain. The data sup- plied by the measuring technology is thebasis for process improvements and has an impact on business correlations within the company. “We are in close exchange with SIKORA and develop further together. For example, we are discussing ideas to adapt the system to our line requirements even after purchasing the device. This applies, for instance, to customized software modifications or individual visualiza- tions of measurement data to support the operator”, explains Mantey. The results are optimal processes and high productivity. At Gerodur, the production of high- quality products and process optimi- zation will continue to be at the top of the agenda in the future. „Besides technical innovation, industry 4.0 and digitalization will be long-term chal- lenges”, says Mantey. In extrusion lines, various machines, devices and systems are integrated that supply dif- ferent data. A particular challenge is to evaluate and process these amounts of data that have to be intelligently reduced to be perceivable for human. “Thus, the cooperation with machine manufacturers and manufacturers of measuring devices, like SIKORA, will play a key role”, saysMantey. SIKORA’s millimeter wave measuring system is well equipped with regard to indus- try 4.0 and already provides interfaces such as OPC UA and industrial field- bus connections to be networked with the production plant. Axel Mantey is convinced that the combination of fu- ture-oriented technology with proven functionality and reliable servicemakes the cooperation with SIKORA so valu- able. “If we achieve more process reli- ability by using measuring technology and produce a perfect pipe at the end of the production line, not only our cus- tomers will be satisfied, but we will be too”. SIKORA AG Bruchweide 2, 28307 Bremen, Germany www.sikora.net Gerodur MPM Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH & Co KG Andreas-Schubert-Str. 6, 01844 Neustadt, Germany www.gerodur.de SIKORA’s millimeter wave technology measures inline at Gerodur the diameter, ovality, wall thickness and sagging of plastic pipes; from left: Peter Hügen, Area Sales Manager at SIKORA, and Andre Richter, Team Leader of the division piping systems at Gerodur MPM Kunststoffverarbeitung