Extrusion International 4-2023-USA

47 Extrusion International 4/2023 available depending on the type of installation and the hourly output of the polymer to be treated. Another process that requires great precision to achieve a qual- ity product from a technical and aesthetic point of view is dosing. Moretto has a wide and compre- hensive range of blenders, including the DGM Gravix 20, the new gravi- metric batch blender developed specifically for high-precision dos - ing of small percentages of materi- al. The 20 series is built on the model of the Gravix series, but features a renewed design that improves granule flow. Configurable through a easy touch view and equipped with Modbus RS485, USB and Ethernet connections, it mantains the techni- cal features that have distinguished the Gravix line. Raw material procurement is a crucial step in plastics processing, which is why storage solutions will play a prominent role on the Plast stand. Oktobag meets the require- ments of processors who want an automatic system for emptying octabins and big bags. The bag is attached by means of 4 gravity grip- pers which, with a wave-like move- ment, bring the plastic granule to the centre where a suction probe will take it. The storage line also includes SILCONTROL, the system designed and developed to control the loading of plastic granules into storage silos. The material, identi- fied via a special barcode reader, is matched to the correct silo by inter- rogating the database. Thanks to this procedure, SILCONTROL aims to avoid errors, even human errors, in the material loading phase. The interconnection of machines and the management of large amount of data generated within the plants prompted Moretto to develop MOWIS, the software plat- form developed in-house for the control and management of pro- cesses within the production plant. A modular and self-configurable tool, usable on-site or remotely, which via OPC UA protocol achieves total connectivity between ma- chines, processes, departments and plants and allows the management of highly complex in an optimized and intuitive manner. Morettowill addressmany themes at the next edition of Plast, from in- novations which aim to enhance the value of man and his work to a digi- talization process that has involved all branches of the company, im- proving the efficiency and response times of customer service. The solutions shown at the exhibi- tion will embrace all the company's product lines, from conveying to drying, from dosing to grinding, from thermoregulation and refrig- eration to storage. Solutions that must combine customer needs on the one hand, and sustainability goals on the other, which are fun- damental for reducing production costs and safeguarding the environ- ment in which we live. Moretto S.p.A. www.moretto.com PLAST 2023: Hall 22, Stand A81/B82 X-RAY 6000 PRO - 360° measurement of hoses & tubes • Measuring ranges from Ø 0.65 to 270 mm • Min. wall thickness > 0.3 mm • Up to three different layers • Automatic control of each layer to minimum wall thickness • “One Button Operation” – no calibration, no material parameters • Continuous quality monitoring and documentation www.sikora.net/xray6000