Extrusion International 4-2024-USA

11 Extrusion International 4/2024 @ fakuma-messe.com # #fakuma2024 ü ? ägB Registration page: www.schall-registrierung.de Ticket code: YDVFQ-W15WF Secure your free of charge ticket: $ 29 th Fakuma International trade fair for plastics processing Organizer: P. E. SCHALL GmbH & Co. KG f + 49 (0) 7025 9206-0 m fakuma@schall-messen.de D 15.–19.Oct. 2024 a Friedrichshafen H EXHIBITOR– FORUM Digitalisation – top or flop? D 15.10.2024 z 4.00 p.m. Inline Inspection of Polarizer Films  ISRA VISION has further en- hanced its optical inline inspection system for polarization films. It has equipped it with a new sensor sys- tem that enables even better de - tection of typical defects such as scratches, Harley Bear, and perfo - rations. Thanks to a special addi- tional lens, the polarization angle of the camera can be automatically changed. Pre-configured product- specific profiles can be transmitted online to the camera. There is no need to halt production to adjust. This not only helps to further opti - mize the inspection performance and the quality of the end product but also saves time and costs. With SMASH, ISRA VISION offers an automatic surface inspection so - lution for the production of optical films such as prism films, polarizer films, protective films, and window films. Thanks to high-resolution line-scan cameras and state-of-the- art lighting technology, the system can recognize even the tiniest de - fects, even at line speeds of up to 150 m/min. The trainable defect classifier QuickTeach helps to sim- plify and speed up system start- up. A comprehensive set of tools for data recording, analysis, and reporting functions rounds off the package. The polarizing filter ISRA VISION uses for the inline inspection of po - larizer films allows automatic ad- justment of the polarizing angle in the event of phase changes in the film. It sets the polarizer to full-light extinction or other predefined set- tings without the need to stop pro- duction. Because the camera thus always receives an optimum input signal, defects can be recognized even more efficiently and reliably. This helps to optimize product out - put and product quality further. Product-specific settings can be pre- configured as recipes and transmit- ted online to the camera during op - eration. Compared with the manual setting of the polarization angle, the automatic adjustment ensures higher precision and also saves both time and money. By using this new polarizing fil- ter, the waste generated during production start-up can typically be reduced by up to 1,000 m 2 per 8-hour shift, depending on the roll width and line speed. This not only increases the amount of saleable products but also protects resources by reducing material consumption and production waste. ISRA VISION GmbH www.isravision.com https://go.isravision.com/optical-film ISRA VISION has further enhanced its optical inline inspection system for polarization films and equipped it with a new sensor system that enables even better detection of typical defects such as scratches, Harley Bear, and perforations