Extrusion International 4-2024-USA

28 Extrusion International 4/2024 28 INDUSTRY NEWS Analysis Released: Impact of Fed Policy on Housing and Plastics  The Plastics Industry Associa - tion (PLASTICS) has released an of- ficial analysis of the impact of Fed- eral Reserve policy on housing and the plastics industry, authored by PLASTICS Chief Economist, Dr. Perc Pineda. Dr. Pineda writes, “On the housing market and its relation to the demand for plastics, the outlook hinges on the trajectory of interest rates going forward. Economists and financial industry observers have debated the potential out - comes of the Fed’s monetary policy tightening cycle, with a soft land- ing being seen as beneficial for the housing market and the plastics in- dustry.” To read the full analysis on the PLASTICS blog page: https://www.plasticsindustry.org/ blog/the-impact-of-fed-policy-on-hous- ing-and-plastics/ Plastics in Healthcare: Trends and Forecast PLASTICS has released an official analysis of the impact of plastics in the healthcare sector, authored by PLASTICS Chief Economist, Dr. Perc Pineda. Dr. Pineda writes, “Those in the plastics industry and healthcare sector understand the crucial role of plastics in saving lives. Plastics has been a trusted material for many years, relied upon by pharmaceuti - cal companies, medical equipment manufacturers, laboratories and research facilities, and healthcare professionals.” To read the full analysis: https://www.plasticsindustry.org/ blog/plastics-in-essential-healthcare- trends-and-forecast/ Dr. Perc Pineda Chief Engineer Celebrates 60 Years of Service  It isn't every day that you see an employee with 60 years of service to a company. Recently, Farrel Pomini celebrated its Chief Engineer, Doug Mosher, who is just that. Doug joined Farrel Corporation fresh out of college in 1964, with a BS in Me- chanical Engineering from Clarkson College of Technology (Clarkson University today). Doug was hired into Farrel's 'En- gineer-in-Training' program, which was a one-year rotation through the various divisions of the company, and a program that all new engineers participated in. He then worked as an Engineer in the Banbury ® Mixer Department, and then on the early Farrel Continuous Mixers which were an evolution of the Banbury ® . The FCM™ was originally developed for rubber processing before finding its footing in plastics compounding. Doug also worked on the first- generation Farrel Compact Proces - sor (mixer and extruder together on a unitized frame). Highlights of Doug's 60-year ca- reer at Farrel are too numerous to mention. Some include: In 1997, Doug became Farrel's Engi- neeringManager responsible for Con - tinuous Mixers, Extruders and Under - water Pelletizers including overseeing large petrochemical projects. Today, Doug is Chief Engineer at Farrel and while he is semi-retired, The photo is showing Doug Mosher standing with Farrel Pomini Engineering Department Manager, Steve Carlson (left) and Farrel Pomini President, Paul Lloyd (right)