Extrusion International 4-2024-USA

39 Extrusion International 4/2024 flexibility allows measurements on finished end products, no matter whether hot or cold. Maintaining precise 90-degree alignment to the plastic surface guarantees reliabil - ity. Keeping a distance of 300mm from the sensor to the product provides the best process stability, but the distance can be adjusted if needed. In addition to measuring parts that have already been demolded, the radar technology can be inte - grated directly into the blow mold- ing line and provide measurement data during the extrusion of con - tinuously produced cylindrically shaped parisons. More data can be collected over longer cycles. Due to the small size of the 170mm-by-125mm-by-85mm sen- sor technology, it can be flexibly in- tegrated into the line depending on the process control and component geometry. Determining whether a particular radar technology is ap - propriate for the blow molding pro- cess depends on the number of data points required to allow conclusions about the process and actively im - plement process control. The Warp Gauge sensor is equippedwith its own user interface. No extra hardware is required. Users can access data through a standard web browser. This web-based solu- tion not only ensures user-friendly operation but also allows flexible re- mote monitoring and control. Users cannavigate throughdifferentmenu sections, including the Current Val- ues menu, which displays real-time data for monitoring ongoing condi - tions. The Trend menu offers histori- cal data, enabling users to analyze trends over time. The Measurement Signal section showcases the signal strength necessary for sensor align - ment, supporting users in optimizing sensor placement. The Recipes sec- tion stores product-specific settings in a recipe format, streamlining con - figurations for various applications. The Alarm List allows users to review alarms if tolerances are exceeded, facilitating timely corrective actions. Additionally, recorded data is avail - able for download into Excel or CSV spreadsheets, enhancing accessibil - ity and analysis capabilities. Further customization possibilities are unlocked through the utiliza- tion of OPC-UA to access the data. By synchronizing measurement and position data with that of a second- ary system, such as a robot, a seam - less alignment of data becomes achievable. In bringing all these ca- pabilities together, comprehensive information about ovality or distor - tion can be obtained. Warp Portable The Warp Portable is a mobile, intuitive hand-held measuring de- vice for point-by-point wall thick- ness measurement. Its integrated centering aid ensures ideal measur - ing distance. The device takes mea- surements at the touch of a but - ton. The last 500 measured values, including the measuring angle and time stamp, are logged and can be exported via USB as a CSV file for further usage. The Warp Portable offers a non-destructive alternative to previous measuring technolo - gies that either work destructively