Extrusion International 4-2024-USA

51 Extrusion International 4/2024 References [AAB+23] Arcos, T. D. L.; Awakowicz, P.; Böke, M.; Boysen, N.; Brinkmann, R. P.; Dahlmann, R.; Devi, A.; Er- emin, D.; Franke, J.; Gergs, T.; Jenderny, J.; Kemaneci, E.; Kühne, T. D.; Kusmierz, S.; Mussenbrock, T.; Rubner, J.; Trieschmann, J.; Wessling, M.; Xie, X.; Zanders, D.; Zysk, F.; Grundmeier, G.: PECVD and PEALD on polymer sub- strates (Part II): Understanding and tuning of barrier and membrane properties oft hin films (26.06.2023), P. 2306.14797v1 [Ber22] Berg, H.: Overcoming Information Asymmetry in the Plastics Value Chain with Digital Product Pass- ports. Wuppertal Papger 197 (2022), p. 1-28 [BJ23] Bayer, F. L.; Jetten, J.: Safety assessment of re- fillable and recycled plastics packaging for food use. In: Knowles, M.E.; Anelich, L.; Boobis, A.; Popping, B. (Edi- tor): Present Knowledge in Food Safety. Elsevier, 2023 [CLW01] Czeremuszkin, G.; Latreche, M.; Wertheimer, M. 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International Journal of Environ- mental Science and Technology 20 (2023) 6, p. 6713-6722 [JHB+17] Jaritz, M.; Hopmann, C.; Behm, H.; Kirchheim, D.; Wilski, S.; Grochla, D.; Banko, L.; Ludwig, A.; Böke, M.; Winter, J.; Bahre, H.; Dahlmann, R.: Influence of re- sidual stress on the adhesion and surface morphology of PECVD-coated polypropylene. Journal of Physics D: Ap- plied Physics 50 (2017) 44, p. 445301 [KBD22] Kleines, L.; Blasius, T.; Dahlmann, R.: PECVD barrier coating systems on post-consumer reyclates for food contact applications. Surface Engineering 38 (2022) 10-12, p. 968-976 [OLH+21] Ouyang, X.; Lu, Z.; Hu, Y.; Xie, Z.; Li, G.: Re- search progress on sample pre-treatment methods for migratin substances from food contact materials. Jour- nal of separation science 44 (2021) 4, p. 879-894 Conclusion and outlook A novel contamination approach has been conducted to efficiently perform barrier developments. The implemented method was designed in accordance to European and American regulations for migration assessment in barrier developments or recycling processes to provide an additional path of simplified ap- provals. In Virgin PP, a higher con- centration was achieved, setting the basis for an efficient barrier devel- opment by reducing the challenges in a proposed analysis chain for the simplified evaluation of migration processes. The next step is the vali- da- tion of the analysis chain before an efficient barrier development can be performed based on the previous results. The final step is to transfer the methodology to recy - clates after successfully permitting migrations of the model substrates and enabling the path for the devel - opment of barriers on recyclates for food contact materials by achieving specific migration limits. Acknowledgements This research was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Founda- tion) under the Sonderforschungs- bereich Transregio 87 (SFB TR-87). We would like to cordially extend our thanks to the DFG. Additionally we would like to thank Professor Grundmeier and his team from Uni - versität Paderborn and our partners GIZEH Verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG, DSD – Duales System Holding GmbH & Co. KG.