Extrusion International USA 5-2021

PREVIEW 52 Extrusion International 5/2021 Innovative MRSjump Extruder with High Decontamination Performance and a Viscosity Boost in One Single Extrusion Step: New size 110 for Rotary Filtration Systems, Retro fi t Solutions for Demanding Applications: Gneuss Filtration Technology is in- troducing an additional size across its line of Rotary Filtration Systems. The models RSFgenius, SFXmag- nus, SFneos and CSFprimus are now available in a size 110, which offers almost 20 % more active screen area than the size 90 for each model, depending on the speci fi c model. In the past the next size up was the size 150, with a jump of more than 50 % in active fi ltration aera. The new intermediate size will ensure an optimized and cost ef fi - cient fi ltration solution for every ap- plication. Rotary Filtration Systems operate continuous, automatic, process and pressure constant. They are charac- terized by a fi lter disk on which the screen cavities are located in a ring pattern. Screens can be changed on the part of the fi lter disk that is not active in the melt channel, while the production process continues to run without any interruptions or distur- bances. Gneuss Melt Filtration Sys- tems can be easily integrated into an existing process and are perfectly suited as a retro fi t solution.e.g. for demanding recycling applications. Gneuss MRSjump Extruder Gneuss Flange Pressure Sensor Gneuss is presenting its brand newMRSjump extruder at the Fakuma show. As with the proven MRS extruder, the extrusion process does not require any pre-treatment of the input material, such as crystallisation or pre-drying of the material. Short residence times, low thermal and mechanical stress on the melt and highly ef fi cient degassing have characterisedMRS technology for decades. With the newMRSjump extruder, theMRS screw section has beenmodi fi ed and extended so that, in combination with a 1mbar vacuumunit developed for this purpose, the viscosity of the polyester can be raised or stabilised to the desired level directly in the extrusion step. A downstream IV build-up in a solid state polycondensation (SSP) is not necessary. For the fi rst time, the processing of materials with low or highly fl uctuating input viscosities is possible in a single extrusion step. The extremely compact design of the MRSjump extrusion line requires little space, energy andmaintenance