Extrusion International 5-2024-USA

34 Extrusion International 5/2024 34 INDUSTRY NEWS ‚Recycling is Real’ Marks One-Year Milestone with New Video  The Plastics Industry Asso- ciation (PLASTICS) has unveiled a new video as part of the ‚Recy- cling is Real’ advocacy campaign, marking the campaign’s one-year milestone dedicated to promoting and defending plastic recycling in America. The new video highlights the efforts taking place at Com - mercial Plastics Recycling (CPR) Inc. in Tampa, Florida. PLASTICS’ ‚Recycling is Real’ cam - paign has highlighted mechanical and advanced recycling facilities throughout the United States. Em - ployees in each video who repre- sent the recycling industry and the work that they do are featured at locations including Atlanta, GA; Madison, WI; North Vernon, IN; BatonRouge, LA; Portland, PA; Eagle Rock, VA; Rialto, CA; Wytheville, VA; Piqua, OH; Reidsville, NC; and Farmingdale, NY. “Plastic recycling is very real, and Commercial Plastics Recycling (CPR) Inc. does it every day in Tampa, Florida,” said PLAS - TICS’ President and CEO Matt Seaholm. “For the past year now, the Recycling is Real cam - paign has been highlighting the dedicated people of our in- dustry across America who work to recycle valuable materials. We are committed to continuing to show the public and lawmakers that re- cycling is undeniable, and a feasi - ble and economical way to achieve a more circular economy.” “Plastic recycling is CPR’s commit - ment to our future generations,” said CPR, Inc.’s Plant Manager, Jeff Barksdale. “Our commitment to - day changes the world tomorrow. Recycling is Real!” The Recycling is Real campaign provides content to help elected officials and policymakers under - stand that recycling is a vital link of the sustainability and circularity chain, enabling them to make more well-informed decisions about recycling resources for their con - stituents. The campaign was also created in an effort to put an end to false narratives suggesting recy - cling is not actually happening or claiming that recycling is a “myth.” Recycling has come under attack from those who wish to reduce or eliminate the production of plas- tic altogether. ‚Recycling is Real’ shows how recycling happens, where it happens and introduces the people who make it happen. To view ‚Recycling is Real’ featur - ing CPR: https://recyclingisreal.com/ Plans to Close Manufacturing Site in Singapore Announced  SI Group announced its plans to close its alkylphe- nol manufacturing facility located on Jurong Island in Singapore in the second half of 2025. SI Group will con - tinue supplying alkylphenols from its market-leading global footprint with supply points in both Europe and the Americas. SI Group opened its alkylphenol manufacturing plant on Jurong Island in 2006 to provide alkylphenols to Asia-Pacific consumers and for production of SI Group antioxidant products. Yet, due to the substantial chang - es in the antioxidant value chain in the region in recent years, paired with high costs in Singapore, the company will cease production there next year. “SI Group’s man - ufacturing facility in Singapore has been a valuable as - set for our past growth and global presence,” said Joey Gullion, SVP & Chief Commercial Officer at SI Group. “However, the current supply-demand balances in Asia and the cost to manufacture in the region, make this a necessary move to ensure the long-term sustainability of our global business.” As a global leader in performance additives, SI Group remains committed to being a value-added solutions provider to customers worldwide, including those in Asia-Pacific. With alkylphenol manufacturing facilities in Europe and the Americas, SI Group will maintain its alkylphenol market leadership and uphold its customer and technical service support levels. “We’ve shifted our strategy in Asia-Pacific to better serve our customers’ needs. The region is important to our business, andwe believe this new approachwill help us balance the market dynamics with our cost position,” said David Bradley, President & CEO of SI Group. “Our recent partnership with Dingjide, along with the diffi - cult but essential decision to close our Singapore site, underscores our commitment to serving our customers – we are now better equipped and excited to support our customers' growth, both now and in the future.” SI Group’s Singapore manufacturing facility is expect - ed to cease manufacturing operations in the second half of 2025. The company will provide support and as - sistance to all employees impacted by the plant closure. SI Group www.siigroup.com