Extrusion International USA 6-2020
23 Extrusion International 6/2020 The report provides deep insights into current develop- ments in order to assert a position in the current discussion based on clear de fi nitions and categorisations of all tech- nologies. More than 70 companies and research institutes, which developed and offer chemical recycling technologies, are presented in the report. Each company is listed with its technologies and status, investment and cooperation part- ners. Additionally, the report provides an overview of waste policy in the European Union. And fi nally, 10 companies and research institutes were interviewed to receive fi rst-hand information around the topic of chemical recycling. The current life cycle of plastic products shows gaps. Overall, 30 million tonnes of plastic waste are generated annually in Europe from which about 29 million tonnes are collected. The majority of the collected plastic waste is incinerated or land fi lled which are the least desirable options according the waste hierarchy. Besides conventional mechanical recy- cling a wide spectrum of chemical recycling technologies is moving into focus in the context of discussions on the im- provement of current recycling rates. Chemical recycling technologies are presenting innovative options to deal with post-consumer waste and offer a range of alternatives that are not available in current material re- cycling pathways. Since these new technologies are in early development stages, developers are facing the challenge to prove their potential. Proponents of chemical recycling see the latest technologies as core technologies of the circular economy and the European Green Deal while critics refer to the technologies’ lack of maturity and the wide uncertainty ranges of existing assessments. Guill Tool & Engineering Co., Inc. www.guill.com New Market and Technology Report: Chemical Recycling nova-Institut GmbH www.nova-institut.eu “The Bullet™” Extrusion Head ing hardware, so cleaning and restart are easier and faster than any conventional head on the market currently, accord- ing to company sources. The Bullet allows quick tooling changes, as the tips remove from the back and the die removes from the front of the unit. The absence of fastening hardware eliminates leaking, as does the taper body and de fl ector design pioneered by Guill. High- and low-volume applications are suitable for this head and are accommodated with the simple, easy changing of just one component. A family of crosshead designs is avail- able and users can specify the “caliber”, that is, the max. die ID. A vacuum chamber and kit for assembly and disassembly are included with the unit. Optional keyed tooling capability of- fers machine designers and end users quick orientation, so the overall unit design enables faster disassembly, proper cleaning and restart, allowing the line to become more prof- itable. Guill Tool introduces The Bullet™, a new extrusion head with fi xed center design, multi-port spiral fl ow design and gum space adjustment, plus the added feature of no fasten- The Bullet, showing the absence of hardware, i.e. nuts and bolts, so disassembly, cleaning and restart are made easier
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