Extrusion International USA 6-2020

24 Extrusion International 6/2020 INDUSTRY NEWS POLYPLASTIC GROUP www.polyplastic.ru „ The “Cable business – 2020” conference organized by the cable industry media leader RusCable.ru fi nished its work in Saint Petersburg. For over 7 hours, headliners of the confer- ence – general directors of the leading cable producers of the country – as well as experts and guests exchanged experienc- es and discussed current issues of the industry. The event was of fl ine and online and united around 800 (up to 1,000 at the peak of online connections) representatives of the cable business, producers of cable polymers and indus- try experts. R&P POLYPLASTIC, the leading Russian producer of polymer compounds took part in the business session in an online format. “Our company develops and produces compounds including materials for oil submersible cables and “Cable business – 2020” presented a great opportunity for strengthening busi- ness relations,” said Ekaterina Smirnova, Head of Market Development Department of R&P POLYPLASTIC. “We had three business meetings and discussed details of further co- operation with our partners. We also had the opportunity to provide detailed information about Armlen PP-6EX and Armlen PP-9EX materials”. Compounds for oil submersible cables under Armlen PP-6EX and Armlen PP-9EX brand names are developed based on block copolymer of propylene with ethylene and is charac- terized with increased resistance to impact of temperatures, copper ions andpetrochemicals. These thermostabilized frost resistant materials are used in production of cable sheath- ings for oil submersible pumps with operating temperatures over 125° С . “Cable business - 2020” Recycling – Collaboration together with this new member to increase the circularity of plastic.” Adrian Griffiths, Founder and Chief Executive Officer said: “We are delighted to join Chemical Recycling Europe; we share its vision to close the loop for the plastics industry by offering the technology to endlessly recycle all plastic waste back into its original components. This industry body has achieved a great deal since it was founded in 2019, working with stakeholders across the plastics indus- try to drive the growth of recycling processes for many more plastics and to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable plastics future. Collaboration is key to ad- dressing the goals and the challenges of advancing the plastic circular economy and moving away from incinera- tion, export and landfill, towards making waste plastic valuable.” Recycling Technologies www.recyclingtechnologies.co.uk Chemical Recycling Europe www.chemicalrecyclingeurope.eu „ Chemical Recycling Europe is pleased to welcome Recy- cling Technologies, a United Kingdom based company as a new member of the association. The company is a leader in the United Kingdom in developing chemical recycling. It has developed an innovative technology, the RT7000, which turns hard-to-recycle plastic such as films, bags, laminated plastics into an oil, called Plaxx ® , used as a feed- stock for new plastic production. The RT7000 is modular and small-scale, designed to fit easily onto existing waste treatment and recycling sites, providing a scalable solu- tion to recycle waste plastic anywhere in the world. ChemRecEurope Secretary General, Mohammad Hayati- far, said: “We are delighted Recycling Technologies has joined our association. It is a leader in the UK having set itself a mission to accelerate the evolution of plastic into a sustainable material. The company is already expanding its reach into Europe where it is working with Citeo, Mars and Nestlé to develop chemical recycling in France and recently announced plans to build its first European site in the Netherlands. We are looking forward to working