Extrusion International USA 6-2020

58 Extrusion International 6/2020 IPTF 2020 Unparalleled anti-contagious mea- sures had been undertaken to protect the forum guests: the room was pro- vided with a supply and exhaust ven- tilation system; the participants were seated sparsely with consideration of the social distance; protective masks and antiseptics were offered at the entrance; the room, furniture, andmi- crophones were sanitized regularly. As in the previous year, certain Forum stages were implemented in parallel in two different sections. This year such eminent companies as 3 М , Moretto, and Erema were among the conference sponsors. Alexander Boyko (NCPack) shared the latest trends in the polymer packingmarket. Konstantin Vernigorov (SIBUR) and Dmitry Kositsky (BARS-2) presented their new branded products. The second section was devoted to the domesticraw-materialbase.Thereport- ed papers were very interesting for rep- Taperov from AtlasMash told the story of substituting shredders for crushers. The remote report of Elena Lyai (Herbold Meckesheim) was dedi- cated to the company’s new recycling solutions. Another online paper was about domestic waste recycling for the food industry needs (Kaloyan Iliev, EREMA, Russia). The IPTF 2020 was fi nalized with the digitalization and smart periphery ses- sion. Moretto, Irbistech, and Polymer- phys Rus shared their novelties and best practices. Artura Gimadeyeva (Irbistech) demonstrated dry ice and its properties during the presentation on applying cryogenic blasters for removing remaining polymers from equipment. The next IPTF 2021 will take place at May 25-26 in Saint Petersburg. redaktion@vm-verlag.com International Polymer Technology Forum Successfully Finished The 8th IPTF-2020 – International Polymer Technology Forum – taking place in Saint Petersburg from September 22 through September 23 has been brought to a successful conclusion. Though the situation in the world is highly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and remains quite unsettling, the Forumwas able to unite 210 participants representing both Russian and foreign companies. Despite some amendments resulted from the closed borders – some papers were presented remotely via Skype –, the forumwas no less ef fi cient than in earlier years resentatives of all the polymer industry branches. Artyom Kasin and Anna Lee (Himstab) told the attendees about us- ing calcium stearates as lubricating and stabilizing additives, Rusplast represen- tatives shared their ideas about TEP as a preferable alternative to PVC, Svetlana Khashirova, Headof theOrganic Chem- istry and High-Molecular Compounds Department of KBSU, presented her paper Superengineering Polymers and Composites for 3D Printing. Later the conferencewas continued in two parallel sections, one of themwas devoted to extrusion and the other to injection molding. Andrey Volkov (Coperion) presented a paper on the options for the ef fi cient operation of turn-screw extruders with unidirec- tional rotation in various polymer pro- cessing industries. Reifenhäuser intro- duced unique solutions for the cyclic economy. Alexey Chernykh (OCS) told about the innovative quality control tools for fi lmproduction. Lola Ogrel, a specialist from the TEC Analytical Cen- tre, shared her data about the plastics processing problems in Russia, as well as about certain issues of the extru- sion equipment market. On day two, the extrusion subject passed to the recycling section. Yury Yury Taperov, AtlasMash Alexey Fedotov, Moretto Alexander Petrov, Functional Materials (Group of companies)