Extrusion 1-2020

56 kompakt Extrusion 1/2020 ➠ Guill Tool & Engineering www.guill.com work with them to create extrusion tool- ing that will give them a competitive edge. Accurate simulation and interpre- tation by extrusion experts greatly reduc- es the number of physical reworks need- ed, as the tooling has a greater chance of producing a good product at the out- set. In-house testing also speeds up the turnaround on test results, reducing de- lays during the tool design process and offering better control over the proces- ses and test parameters. The new Guill rheology lab processes standard materials, custom formulae and it is equipped to mix materials. These materials include plastics, thermoplastic n Guill Tool, manufactu- rers of extrusion tooling for the global market, has opened an in-house rheo- logy laboratory, making it the only extrusion tooling manufacturer in the in- dustry with such a capabi- lity. Seeking to obtain bet- ter results and minimize the time it takes between testing and production, Guill built its own rheolo- gy lab in their facility in West Warwick, Rhode Is- land, USA. The lab featur- es several key machines that ensure optimum results, when tes- ting materials, especially new com- pounds to be extruded. The testing equipment includes a Hybrid Rotational Rheometer, a Differential Scanning Calo- rimeter, and a Thermal Conductivity Me- ter. Third-party testing facilities are typically not experienced in extrusion processes. Guill, however, can not only gather data the same way third-party testers can, but can also interpret that data as it applies specifically to extrusion. Likewise, third- parties simply supply data, not recom- mendations. Guill is now equipped to both test its customer’s materials and In-House Rheology Lab launched elastomers, all types of rubber and silico- ne. Information from the lab is transmit- ted directly to the Guill engineering de- partment via computer link for review by the design team. The lab will be offered for use by extru- ders and chemical formulators, among others in the industry. TA Instruments Discovery HR-2 Hybrid Rotational Rheometer TA Instruments DSC-25 Differential Scanning Calorimeter TA Instruments DTC-300 Thermal Conductivity Meter New Guill Rheology Lab at company headquarters in West Warwick, Rhode Island