Extrusion 1-2023

18 Branche Intern Extrusion 1/2023 tions and experience huge losses; or re- structure their operations and adjust to changing times. Many companies modi- fied their operations to produce urgently needed products during the pandemic, while others have embarked on a journey towards smart manufacturing process, a more realistic option, to sustain and en- sure their uninterrupted operation. Plastics and rubber industries gear up for smart manufacturing adoption : While the automotive and information technology industries were noted for their leading role in industrial automation, other industries have also started to up- grade their operations thereby increasing the requirement for smart devices, soft- n The fourth industrial revolution, popu- larly known as Industry 4.0, has created a remarkable impact on the production of a huge range of products. Technological breakthroughs, all aimed at establishing the “Factory of the Future”, centered on the use of digital technology to bring about enhanced productivity, efficiency and sustainability. Plastics industry, yet having a history of 160 years, also goes smart with cutting-edge technologies for greater efficiency and cost reduction in the era of Industry 4.0. Digitalization Made Manufacturing Systems Smarter : Through digitalization, manufacturing systems for plastics indus- try have become much more intelligent as they can now autonomously operate, dia- gnose technical problems and safety is- sues, monitor real-time production data, and ensure high product quality. The ad- option of smart manufacturing process in all aspects of production – from product design, actual production, supply chain, distribution and sales, and delivery – has made it possible for companies to with- stand current and future challenges. The advantages of a smart manufacturing operation became apparent during the Covid-19 pandemic when disruptions in economic activities occurred in countries around the world. There were two op- tions for manufacturers during the pan- demic: to suspend or close their opera- CHINAPLAS 2023 – Plastics and Rubber Industries Go Smart Today in the Era of Industry 4.0 ware, automation equipment, robots/ cobot and other products. The plastics and rubber industries have recognized the advantages posed by smart manufac- turing in terms of overall costs reduction, remote monitoring and diagnostics of plant operations, reduced manpower in- tervention and minimal machine down time that a growing number of compa- nies in these industries are now setting up smart factories. It has been apparent that among the va- rious industries, demand for smart manu- facturing technologies in plastics and rubber manufacturing has been consis- tently high to boost competitiveness. The plastics and rubber industries have been Plastics industry, yet having a history of 160 years, also goes smart with cutting-edge technologies for greater efficiency and cost reduction in the era of Industry 4.0 Smart manufacturing products and services have grown over the years as companies realize their advantages in meeting market challenges (Image: Pexels) There is growing need for advanced machinery and auxiliary equipment, sensors, process control software and other products to transform a plastics production facility into a smart manufacturing plant