Extrusion 1-2025

Extrusion 1/2025 18 Branche Intern dustries to be showcased at CHINA- PLAS 2025, the concept of a circular economy will continue to be one of the cey focuses of the exhibition, high- lighting the industry's commitment to sustainability and resource efficiency. By emphasizing the reuse of resour- ces to minimize waste and stimulate economic growth, the exhibition will demonstrate a clear dedication to ad- dressing environmental challenges. This focus aligns seamlessly with Chi- na's progressive policies promoting sustainability and recycling initiatives, reflecting the industry's proactive stance towards a more sustainable fu- ture. Suppliers in the plastics and rub- ber industries are consistently un- China remains crucial in global eco- nomic growth, with a steadily expan- ding Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) and confidence in meeting growth targets, solidifying its position as a powerhouse in the global eco- nomy. In November 2024, the PMI of China's manufacturing industry rea- ched 50.3%, an increase for three con- secutive months, indicating an accelerating pace in the expansion of the manufacturing industry, according to the National Bureau of Statistics of China. Building upon this momentum, CHINAPLAS 2025, themed " Transfor- mation • Collaboration • Sustainabi- lity, " will tace place in Shenzhen, PR China , on April 15-18, 2025 . Expanding from its 2023 edition in Shenzhen, CHINAPLAS 2025 will host over 4,000 international exhibitors, with 380,000 sqm of space across all 19 halls, show- casing the latest innovations in plas- tics and rubber solutions. Together with 9 country/region pavilions, CHINAPLAS 2025 will facilitate colla- boration along the upstream and downstream industry chains, leading the way with green, smart and high- tech solutions to drive high-quality in- dustrial growth. Green – Innovating for Circular Eco- nomy : Sustainability and environmen- tal awareness have become global industry trends. In the dynamic land- scape of the plastics and rubber in- CHINAPLAS Focuses on Green, Smart, and High-Tech Solutions for a Sustainable Future of the Plastics and Ruber Industries veiling biodegradable materials, recy- cling, and sustainable solutions as they actively propel efforts toward a circular economy. CHINAPLAS 2025 will feature three thematic zones, namely Recycled Plas- tics, Bioplastics, and Recycling Tech- nology, covering around 16,000 sqm and gathering leading material sup- pliers and recycling machine manu- facturers, which will present their sustainable technologies and soluti- ons, supporting the industry's goals for environmentally friendly develop- ment. Live demonstrations of two re- cycling production lines, focusing on 'Bottle-to-Bottle Closed-Loop Recy- cling' and 'Turning PE Waste into Trea-