Extrusion 2-2017

16 Branche Intern Extrusion 2/2017 ➠ Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd www.ChinaplasOnline.com are exploring applications for all types of advanced materials, from liquid crystal polymers and nano-materials to modi- fied graphene EPS. Examples of all such materials are expected to be on promi- nent display at CHINAPLAS 2017. Plastics and 3D printing to promote medical industry : Certain modified plas- tics offer excellent biocompatibility and have to drive the medical industry’s rapid development. At CHINAPLAS 2017, sup- pliers of healthcare materials such as sili- cone rubber, bio-safe resins, and new po- lymers that offer good resistance to gam- ma rays will all be on show. The medical industry also has been an enthusiastic adopter of 3D printing equipment/tech- nology and of wearable technology. CHINAPLAS 2017 will launch a “3D Tech- nology Subzone” offering the latest in additive manufacturing technologies, equipment, and materials. Green packaging to be on stage : Envi- ronmentally friendly packaging is a glo- bal hot topic when talking about sustain- able development. The packaging indus- try tends to adopt lightweight, thin films, degradable materials, and package cons- tructions that resist water, oxygen, air and ultraviolet rays. Exhibitors at the 16-19 May 2017, Guangzhou, PR China n Asia's No. 1 plastics and rubber trade fair is an end-user-oriented trade fair fo- cusing on “ Intelligent Manufacturing, High-tech Materials and Green Solu- tions ”. Since its debut in 1983, CHINA- PLAS has been dedicated to satisfying the demands of customers in the key end markets, including automotive, building and construction, packaging, electrical and electronics, information technology, telecommunications and medical. The last edition of CHINAPLAS successfully welcomed 148,575 visitors, among which 39,454 were overseas visi- tors from over 160 countries and re- gions. As an influential event, CHINA- PLAS always strives to present state-of- the-art technology and products that can be used to help companies in those in- dustries to innovate and operate more efficiently, sustainably and competitively. A showcase for high-performance automotive materials : In recent years, the percentage of plastics used in a car has become one of the essential mea- sures for technological advancement. The automotive industry is increasingly incorporating various polymers. Materi- als with molded-in color, as well as car- bon fiber-reinforced thermoplastics and low-VOC resins have all become hot to- pics in the industry. With the continuing development of electric vehicles, high- performance materials are finding use in charging piles and interior circuit con- trols of vehicles. CHINAPLAS 2017 will offer international visitors plenty of ex- amples of the latest in these types of ma- terials and applications. Exhibitors also will be showing the latest in laser pro- cessing technology and automated, inte- grated production line. Advanced materials embrace build- ing & construction industry : Light- weight, flexible, durable and easy-to- ship plastics also are extensively used in building and construction today. Consi- dering the demands on aesthetic appea- rance and utility, experts in this industry CHINAPLAS 2017 show will be displaying examples of all such materials for the packaging indus- try. In addition, packaging related machi- nery and automation equipment will be center stage, to include injection mold- ing and extrusion technologies that deli- ver high-barrier end products, automatic detection equipment, and multilayer film technology. Multifunctional plastics for electrical & electronics products : The electrical and electronics industries are always seeking higher-performance, lightweight materials that offer excellent toughness and mechanical strength, high tempera- ture resistance and good insulating pro- perties. As a result, engineering plastics are becoming the material of choice for this sector. With end users requesting more from these products, the materials chosen need to be multifunctional, to in- clude antibacterial and self-cleaning pro- perties, good resistance to heat and cold, high elasticity, and even fingerprint resis- tance. Visitors to the fair can expect to find a full range of such multifunctional polymers on display. Environmentally friendly packaging is a global hot topic when talking about sustainable development www.extrusion-info.com