Extrusion 2-2017

49 Extrusion 2/2017 The Planetary Roller Extruder The ENTEX Planetary Roller Extruder - The most powerful extrusion system for your demanding tasks. Our economy thrives on developments and progress - but will also increase the expectations and requirements for materials and products: - plastic and rubber compounds must always be fit in higher requirements and still remain cost effective ... - adhesive compounds prevails increasingly more and more by manufacturing processes against traditional joining methods ... - fiber composites conquer all ranges of mobility industry ... - the food industry needs new,powerful concepts in order to meet the market demands ... - and the knowledge that energy and raw materials are limited available and valuable goods always requires new and better recycling policies in all branches of industry. We provide you an extrusion system to master such challanges and that enables you to stay in the lead. Optimize your processes - increase your product quality and efficiency - open up new fields of applications and possibilities! Contact us,together we create your future. c lever... c ooling... c ompounding a n d D e g a s s i n g Headquarters ENTEX Rust & Mitschke GmbH,Heinrichstraße 67a,44805 Bochum,Germany Phone +49(0) 234/89122-0,Fax +49(0) 234/89122-99, info@entex.de, www.entex.de Subsidiary ENTEX InternationalTrading (Shanghai) CO.,Ltd.,No.6,Lane 360,Dongchen Road MaluTown, Jiading District,Shanghai 201801,China Phone +86-21-62340160,Fax +86-21-62334655 ,entexsh@entex.com.cn ,www.entex.com.cn Please visit us on ICE EUROPE HALL A5-953 ➠ Davis-Standard, LLC www.davis-standard.com ICE Europe 2017: Halle A5, Booth 912 ICE USA 2017: Booth 411 Davis-Standard Five-Roll Coater and improved film strength. In blown film, the dsX flex-film is designed for ap- plications in printing and laminating, flexible packaging, collation shrink and bag making, hood shrink and surface printing. Options for Davis-Standard’s in- dustry-leading air ring and feedscrew de- signs are available as well as different widths and die sizes to accommodate multiple products. Regional service teams support convert- ing equipment before, during and after the sale with timely delivery and installa- tion, readily available spare parts and prompt customer service. This includes service and support for Davis-Standard’s line of control systems. Davis-Standard’s Circonix Technologies Division offers up- grades of PLC, drive and mechanical sys- tems on thousands of existing installa- tions, including non Davis-Standard brands. n In der Wertschöpfungskette zwischen Rohmaterial und Endprodukt stehen Converter den unterschiedlichsten Er- wartungen gegenüber. Schnelle und prä- zise Umsetzung der Kundenwünsche, die Fähigkeit, maßgeschneiderte Lösun- gen bei unterschiedlichen Materialien zu entwickeln und dabei konstant hohe Qualität – all diese Ansprüche gilt es zu bedienen. Die Konsequenz daraus ist der Bedarf an Maschinen, die in allen Ein- satzbereichen äußerste Flexibilität bie- ten, geringe Wartungszeiten und Be- triebskosten verursachen und schnell umrüstbar sind. Nur mit solchen Anlagen gelingt Verarbeitern der schnelle Wech- sel zwischen den unterschiedlichen Ma- terialien und die effiziente Produktion auch kleiner Losgrößen. Auf der ICE Europe zeigt GOEBEL IMS sein breites Portfolio an Converting-Ma- schinen, die auf die Ansprüche und Er- wartungen der Branche eingehen. Stell- vertretend zeigt das Darmstädter Traditi- onsunternehmen die RAPID D1 , eine der meist verkauften Maschinen der Branche. Die RAPID D1 bietet außeror- dentliche Flexibilität bei Materialien und Schnittbreite, höchste Produktivität und Rollenschneidmaschine – Höchste Qualität für höchste Ansprüche