Extrusion 2-2022
10 Branche Intern Extrusion 2/2022 ➠ www.ChinaplasOnline.com such as international trends and latest po- licies for plastics recycling, successful cases and achievements in recycling ex- periences and innovative ideas. Thematic seminars will be held in the con- ference to facilitate the discussions on carbon neutrality, PCR/PIR renewable plastics, recycled ocean plastics, mono- materials, eco-design/design for recycling, chemical recycling, innovative solutions for plastics recycling, and new technolo- gies for recycled materials. At the same time, world-leading enterprises in the scope of plastics recycling will showcase their latest solutions for new materials, technologies and automation. Experts will also introduce their latest technological achievements and interact with the parti- cipants. “Green” will be seen as a focus of CHI- NAPLAS 2022 from the topics of Tech n The advent of the "dual-carbon era" has triggered further efforts in reducing carbon emissions. Many countries, re- gions and chemical enterprises have set the goal of net-zero emissions and carbon neutrality. Green and low carbon has be- come a hot topic in the plastics and rub- ber industries. CHINAPLAS 2022 , to be held from April 25 to 28 , will bring to- gether more than 4,000 prominent exhi- bitors from all over the world to launch innovative green solutions. A lot of can't- miss concurrent events will be organized during CHINAPLAS 2022, focusing on green topics such as carbon neutrality and sustainable development. What are the macro trends in the global circular economy? What are the hot to- pics and technologies? By attending the 3rd CHINAPLAS x CPRJ Plastics Recycling and Circular Economy Conference and Showcase , to be held one day prior to CHINAPLAS 2022 in Shanghai, visitors can get the answers from the renowned speakers, who are to share their insights on relevant policies and industry trends, as well as the showcase of innovative so- lutions. Government officials, representatives from industry organizations, brands, ma- chinery and material suppliers from diffe- rent countries and regions are invited. They will deliver more than 50 speeches online and offline to 400+ industry elites, of which over 60% are end-product /tar- geted manufacturers. The conference will outline the landscape and prospect of the plastics recycling industry in Asia and worldwide at large, by focusing on topics Green, the Theme Color of CHINAPLAS Talk. This concurrent event is a series of open forums under 8 themes, including antibacterial solutions, surface treatment solutions, in-mold electronic solutions, 5G applications, eco-friendly solutions, light- weight solutions, innovative materials, of which the last three are more relevant to the green technologies and development. Leading enterprises from the plastics and rubber industries will participate in the event. In this edition, Tech Talk will incorporate the previous Medical Plastics Forum under the theme of “Medical Plastics”, which focuses on the sustainable development of medical plastics in particular. CHINAPLAS has become a product debut platform for the plastics and rubber in- dustries, where exhibitors launch a wide range of new products. Tech Talk is the annual stage for the plastics and rubber industries, to bring the spotlight to the new and edge-cutting products, helping new technological products to gain more exposure while visitors can get quick ac- cess to the resources of quality suppliers.
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