Extrusion 3-2017
18 Branche Intern Extrusion 3/2017 ➠ Baruffaldi Plastic Technology Srl www.baruffaldi.eu Costruzioni Meccaniche was integrated in 2008 with the acquisition of a histori- cal name, Baruffaldi Plastic Technology, and later, in 2011, with the brand Primac. The recent move to the new headquar- ters definitively seals this integration. The cohesion, the sharing and exchange of experiences between the different pro- duction departments generated by this integration are considered a synergic ele- ment to the benefit of the research and development of technological innova- tions. However, in order to run all this flawlessly, the sole vicinity of the produc- tion departments is not sufficient. It is also ne- cessary the professional collaboration between engineers’ and opera- tors’ teams that meticu- lously take care of de- veloping the group. The group wants to continue to distinguish itself for its avant-garde technological solutions n The three companies, Baruffaldi Plastic Technology (machinery for profiles and roller shutters), Primac (machines for smooth and corrugated pipes) and Dosi (machining and engineering) have been reunited at Dosi headquarters in Fusigna- no (Ravenna, Italy), that have been en- larged for this occasion and now cover more than 4,000 square metres. This is not only a logistic move, but also an inte- gration of three complementary compa- nies that together make up the Dosi Group. “The original company was established in 1929 by my grandfather Angelo Dosi as a smith workshop. In time it enjoyed re- markable success. During the 1970’s I and my father took advantage of the boom of the footwear industry, manufac- turing machinery for production lines, until the crisis arrived. The market shrank, the company struggled, and I decided to revitalise the business by leveraging on the company’s long-standing tradition”, tells the Ceo, Alberto Dosi. Going briefly into the history of the group, the original company Dosi 4,000 Square Metres of Industry Passion and the possibility of meeting and satis- fying different technical and market needs all over the world. Today, the company makes the most of a strategy driven by innovation, originating from the strong dynamism of the owner, who transferred his idea of efficiency to the corporate processes that have al- lowed the group to reach the highest in- ternational quality standards in produc- tion. Thanks to these standards, the group is now present in 40 countries where it boasts a large customer base in- cluding major international leaders. “Our action is inspired by strong and shared values that drive our corporate mission and identity. Fairness, accounta- bility, respect, trust and reciprocity are the values that we hold firmly in the rela- tionship with our customers and sup- pliers. Our mission is to become a strate- gic reference point for companies and customers in order to improve their com- petitiveness”, Dosi concludes. ➠ Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH www.buschvacuum.com ort ansässig und beschäftigen dort ins- gesamt 600 Mitarbeiter. Mit dem Umzug in das neue Gebäude wurde der gesam- te Maschinenpark erneuert und alle Ar- beitsprozesse optimiert. Ein Trainingszentrum mit Schulungsraum und separater Werkstätte ist in die neue Sevicezentrale integriert. In ihm werden interne Schulungen und Workshops für Kunden durchgeführt. Mit dieser neuen Servicezentrale hat Busch in Deutschland seine Dienstleis- n Die Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH hat in Deutschland eine neue Servicezentrale am Hauptstandort in Maulburg in Be- trieb genommen. Auf 3.000 m 2 Grund- fläche ist ein äußerst modernes Repara- tur- und Logistikzentrum mit internem Trainingszentrum entstanden. Auch das Hauptproduktionswerk von Busch sowie die Firma Busch Dienste GmbH und die Busch Holding SE sind am selben Stand- Neue Servicezentale tungen im Bereich Service und Reparatur weiter ausgebaut. Insgesamt ist Busch in Deutschland an 17 Standorten in Deutschland präsent, um mit seinen Va- kuumexperten zur Beratung und für Ser- vice- und Reparaturleistungen immer ganz in der Nähe seiner Kunden zu sein. Eine Service-Hotline steht allen Busch- Kunden rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung.
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