Extrusion 5-2017

can rotate up to 75 degrees, the formed cups can be easily removed by the lower half mould. The cups are formed and cut in-mould, re- moved with aspirating spindles and sent to a collection cage. The stacked cups are then sent by a conveyor belt to the Rimm- ing Machine, a completely WM producti- on, with three rotating screws. The rimmed cups follow their way to the counting, pak- kaging and boxing units ready to be deli- vered to the final customer. The advantages of the In-line system is the real reduction of energy consumpti- on, since it can produce 120.000 cups per hour, reducing waste and reducing the personnel necessary to manage all the system. WM designs In-line systems that can be used for many different production pur- 35 Extrusion 5/2017 WM Wrapping Machinery sa Via dei Pioppi 3, C.P. 703 6855 Stabio Switzerland www.wm-thermoforming.com poses, from PP cups to disposable plates made of co-extruded polystyrene as well as yogurt, butter, margarine and ice cream containers, made of polypropyle- ne, polystyrene or a multi-layer barrier. ! "# $$$" ! "# ! " #$ % & ' "( ! & ! 900 can use moulds with a maximum size of 880x520 mm and has a clamping force of 75,000 DaN and thanks to the tilting system of the movable platen that