Extrusion 5-2018

13 Extrusion 5/2018 • Suitable for powders such as Caco3, talc, pigments and others • No material bridges in weighted hopper and screw inlet • No adherence of material at the screw surface • Available both as stand-alone and ƐLJƐƚĞŵ ŝŶƚĞŐƌĂƚĞĚ ƐŽůƵƟŽŶ • Dust sealed • Operator friendly design • Siemens control High precision dosing technology ĨŽƌ ďƌŽĂĚ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶ ➠ PROMAPLAST srl www.plastonline.org of all, because our decision to intro- duce – together with the organizers of the other four exhibitions (IPACK-IMA, MEAT-TECH, PRINT4ALL, INTRALOGISTI- CA ITALIA) – the trade-fair project known as The Innovation Alliance has proved to be a winning choice: the more than 150,000 operators who participa- ted were treated to an exhaustive range of plastics and rubber technology with- out precedent. The Innovation Alliance takes it place as the second largest trade- show after the Salone del Mobile. From day one through to the closing, Corso Italia and the seventeen halls at Fiera Milano were packed with visitors.” “Even more important, regarding PLAST in particular, and a great source of pride for us, was the great satisfaction of the exhibitors, who enjoyed the significant attendance by qualified operators and an impressive number of contracts signed directly at the fair. The expecta- tions – already quite ambitious – ended up being outstripped by reality.” PLAST 2018 recorded a total of some 1,500 exhibitors in 55,000 square metres of exhibition space, with significant growth of over twenty percentage points in foreign participants, affirming the in- ternational stature of the exhibition. One example of this was the significant ex- pansion of the Chinese and Iranian col- lectives. The organizational office estimates over 63,000 visitors based on statements of priority interest made by operators dur- ing the registration process. The exact number cannot be determined with any precision since the admission tickets to the five contemporary exhibitions al- lowed access to all seventeen exhibition halls of The Innovation Alliance. Foreign visitors made up 27.5% of the total from a total of 117 countries, with Spain, France, and Germany being the most represented. Some thirty official delegations were welcomed to the fair. They expressed strong admiration bordering on asto- nishment in interviews by the organiza- tional office for the magnitude and com- pleteness of the PLAST 2018 technology showcase, and for the satellite fairs RUB- BER (representing the rubber industry), 3D PLAST (additive manufacturing and related technologies), and PLAST-MAT (innovative plastics) that were part of The Innovation Alliance. The core of the exhibition was machine- ry, equipment and moulds for plastics and rubber processing, with over 3,500 units on display. Industry 4.0 technology was also well represented, and also the topic of discussions in the many confe- rences augmenting the programme of this preeminent trade fair.