Extrusion 5-2018

19 Extrusion 5/2018 www.busscorp.com Uniquely efficient. Incredibly versatile. Amazingly flexible. COMPEO combines the performance and robustness of its predecessors in a single modular series. Designed for all application fields and temperature ranges. With a process window that is unparalleled. Want to know more about the COMPEO compounder‘s forward-looking features? Visit our webseite and learn more … Brand-new! COMPEO The new BUSS compounder generation. Incredibly different. 1 26.06.2018 09:23:26 ➠ Luigi Bandera S.p.A. www.lbandera.com in the sector of plastics for over 70 years to present. Bandera has always manifested a very strong pioneering attitude, operating in favor of transforming biodegradable or recycled materials and striving to achieve always more lightweight packaging pro- ducts. Bandera has designed and is ma- nufacturing an industrial scale extrusion line – to be made available to packaging n Bandera supports the production mo- del based on technical materials from na- tural sources and on materials that can be re-integrated into the environment: R&D activities, dedicated workshops, along with a cutting edge, industrial scale extrusion line specifically manufac- tured to test the materials of the future. The company realistically shows the whole sector that the use of sustainable raw materials is a viable solution. The use of plastics, an essential compo- nent of our contemporary economy, has increased twenty times over the past fifty years and a growing trend of double that quantity is the forecast for the next twenty years. The concern grows for sustainability for the forecast for the next twenty years. The concern grows for sustainability for the industries of the plastics sector, not only from the undeni- ably important ethical aspect, but also from the practical aspect of sustainability of the plastics sector itself. In fact, 15% of plastic packaging materials are recy- cled worldwide, versus the well over 35% of European countries. The recent G7 Meeting in Canada fo- cused on this issue from several different facets. Specifically speaking, they set to reach by 2030 the objective to recycle and reuse 55% of the plastic packaging materials produced. Even more so, this percentage is subject to grow by 2040, by which time they foresee to reclaim 100% of all plastics produced. Conversely, on the side of re- search, innovation and new technolo- gies, they committed to develop alterna- tive solutions to cut down the environ- mental impact of plastics. From this very concern stems Bandera’s will to manifest the attitudes that have always characterized its actions, so much so for them to become a mission in time. In fact, this company oriented towards innovation and sustainability of both processes and materials, has chosen to exteriorize this mission with its new com- munication campaign, PACKAGING FORWARD, focused exclusively on deve- loping consciousness over the issue of the circular economy of plastic materials. Innovation as an operating principle is the key of success for this company, known for its great tradition, operating The Future of Plastics material manufacturers – dedicated to exploring and studying the productive capabilities of both, biological and recy- cled materials. This line will be operating, as of September 2018, at the Bandera R&D Centre so Bandera’s efforts have gone well beyond laboratory studies.